Releases: kzhovn/statusbar-pomo-obsidian
Releases · kzhovn/statusbar-pomo-obsidian
Bug fixes
I Aten't Dead
Resolves a bug with logging to your daily note if the daily note folder didn't exist (#49) and fixes needing to reload for your pomodoro time setting change to take effect (#33). Also make a note in the readme that system notifications (maybe) don't work on Flatpak, I haven't actually verified this bug report myself.
Adds system notification (#38) thanks to @cbos.
Also cleans up some moment import issues.
- Whether a timer is a pomo or a break is now indicated by a emoji; can be toggled in settings (#28)
- You can now add newlines to custom log text via [\n] (#29)
- If logging the active note as well as the time, you can add to any place in your log text using the [{{logFile}}] placeholder
Bug fix (#21)
- Fixed logging occurring at the end of the previous pomodoro rather than the beginning of the current one.
- Fixed auto paused timer displaying a time one second too low
- Some minor code cleanup
- Hide commands when unavailable
- Add icons to commands
- Open log file when status bar clicked
- Setting to hide ribbon icon
- Significant refactor
Issue #13
Bug fix: Log to daily note failed
Added logging for daily note.
Fixed white noise not looping when activated from settings.
Logging: add link to active note