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374 lines (329 loc) · 15.1 KB

File metadata and controls

374 lines (329 loc) · 15.1 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

[2.0.0] - unreleased


  • Install script for installations without docker
  • JupyterLab Integration for Administrators
  • pyAPI:
    • Allow to request annotations via LOSTDataframes (see #144)
    • Allow to request annotation labels via label_name (see #144)
    • Allow to add meta information to annotations via pyAPI
    • request_annos: Added ability to deal with ImageAnno objects from database in order to request annos for a copy of the ImageAnno object.
  • Configurations for LOST via database
  • pyAPI: Allow to add a image comment via api. This comment will be shown in ImgBar in SIA
  • ImageAnnos: Added img_actions attribute -> Tracks all annotation actions performed by an annotator
  • SIA:
    • Added max canvas size mode. Where canvas takes the maximum container size and is not image oriented as before.
    • Added comment support for 2d annotations
    • Added an InfoBox (AnnoStats) that shows the number of annotation per label in an image
      • This box allows also to hide annotations of a specific label
      • See #86, #160 and #161
  • MIA:
    • Show labels as tags
    • Allow to zoom into images in an extra modal
  • Cronjob that removes annotations that are not assigned to any image
  • ExamplePipes:
    • restructured whole lost out of the box pipeline project
  • Dashboard:
    • Personal statistics for annotator and designer roles
  • Statistics:
    • Designer statistics for designers - includes all annotation activities of the users of the designer's pipelines
  • Datasources:
    • Allow to connect to external filesystems (azure blob storage, s3 bucket, ssh / sftp)
    • Allow to upload and delete files via GUI
    • Allow to create directories via GUI
  • PipelineStart:
    • Allow to specify annotation options for SIA and MIA Annotation Tasks
  • PipelineRunning:
    • Allow to adapt annotation options for SIA and MIA Annotation Tasks
  • PipeProject:
    • Allow to import, update and export pipe projects via UI
  • LabelTrees:
    • Allow to import and export label trees via UI
  • VisibilityLevels and Roles:
    • Added Admin role + Admin Area
    • Added global and user specific visibility levels
      • Global datasources and label trees
      • User (Designer) - specific datasources and label trees
  • LDAP
    • Allow to connect to external ldap servers in order to authenticate with external users
  • AnnotationTask
    • Allow to generate multiple exports with given presets at any time
  • Pipeline import:
    • Import pipelines via git/github or zipfile
  • Pipeline export:
    • Export lost pipelines to zip file
  • Extendend Logging:
    • Added option for using graylog as central logging platform (Linux support only !)
  • Export Dataset parquet endpoint


  • Use fsspec for filesystem abstraction
    • SIA: Do not send any image urls to frontend
    • MIA
      • Do not send any image urls to frontend
      • If a mia task is annoBased, crop annos on the fly (do not store anno crops in filesystem)
    • fileMan: Use fsspec instead of os for filesystm operations
  • SiaReview:
    • Trigger notification if annotations have been changed but not saved when navigation to another image
  • Updated frontend to Core-UI-3
  • Use Dask as scheduler instead of clelery
  • Replace Anaconda package manager with mamba
  • LOST standard export format
    • Added anno_style and anno_format
    • Removed unused columns from dataframe
    • Export anno_data to lists instead of dicts
    • Changed dot column name style to underscore style
  • SIA:
    • Save changed and created annotations instantly to backend


  • PipeEngine bug: Created wrong pipe graph, when first element in pe list was not first element in pipeline graph
  • Fixed raw sql in access to be compatible with postgresql
  • Fixed copy bug in import script -> Copied to wrong location, when path had tailing '/'
  • PipeStart: Empty labels in annotask not possible anymore
  • SIA:
    • Endless image loading bug
    • Filter Bug -> Do not copy annotations from previous image when filter is active!
  • Mia anno_based feature + Mia request again
  • EditPipeline: Fixed leaking user information to unprivileged users


  • removed lost-cv images. This is now integrated into the lost image
  • pyAPI:
    • request_bbox_annos since it is a special case of request_annos
    • request_image_anno since it is a special case of request_annos
    • add_anno since it has not been used until now

[1.5.0] - unreleased


  • Added user and password to amqp url if set in .env file (see #133)

[1.4.2] - 2021-03-12


  • ImgBlacklist:
    • Do not log every blacklist load
    • Warn for other argument types than lists in blacklist add method
    • Return always lists in get_whitelist method


  • Version in lost backend init

[1.4.1] - 2021-03-10


  • KeyError while trying to remove script from worker
  • Try to fix readthedocs requirements

[1.4.0] - 2021-02-25


  • SIA:
    • Added maxAnnos to canvasConfig. This allows to define a maximum number of annotations that are allowed per image.
  • Pipeline View:
    • Added Force Annotation Release-button in running pipeline view for annotation tasks in order to manually release annotations that are locked for inactive users (fixes #120)


  • to_dict()/to_df() method for annotation export -> use annotator.user_name for annotator entry in dict/dataframe


  • db.access -> Use with_for_update method when locking images for an annotator in SIA tasks to prevent assignment of same image to multiple annotators

[1.3.1] - 2020-12-15


  • Refactor User Management frontend with using reactstrap
  • Logmodal update only scroll position if the the scroll position is at the bottom of the textarea
  • frontend/src/lost_settings.js -> Automatically determine production or development mode from environment variable
  • Moved packages from frontend/src/components/pipeline/package.json to frontend/src/package.json


  • Pipeline throws error when the user pressed ctrl key

[1.3.0] - 2020-12-11


  • SIA:
    • Frontend annotation time measurement: Annotation time is now measured in frontend, based on user events. For each annotation, user interaction time is measured.
    • Delete last node of polygon/ line when hitting delete key in create mode (see #102)
    • Added copy & paste for annotations (see #82)
    • Added Sia image filters -> Image can now be rotated and histogram equalization can be applied for dark images
    • Use j-Key as shortcut for junk images
  • BaseImage: Installed opencv + dependencies


  • SIA:
    • Do not lose polygon annotation when hitting enter in create mode
    • Do not allow to draw a polygon consisting of two points (see #101)
    • Do not collapse line with two points, when confirming with enter
  • Pipeline import:
    • Script parsing fails when list/dictionary literals are not valid JSON (see #97)

[1.2.2] - 2020-10-08


  • Updated conda in order to get lost-cv container running

[1.2.1] - 2020-10-03


  • AnnotationTask deadlock (see #27)
    • A background job was implemented that will release all annotations that have been locked for a specific user for longer than the timespan of SESSION_TIMEOUT (defined in .env file). This job is called on a regular basis in the frequency defined by SESSION_TIMEOUT.
  • Defining SESSION_TIMEOUT in .env file leads to exception.

[1.3.0-alpha4] - 2020-07-28


  • Sorting Running Pipeline and Start Pipeline by Date does not worked correctly


  • DB User: Added api_token column + patch
  • Designer can update Arguments in Running Pipeline in Script Nodes


  • Implement Worker Live Log
  • Don't report anno_task's current iteration annotations

[1.3.0-alpha3] - 2020-07-01


  • Report webservices: filter options

[1.3.0-alpha2] - 2020-07-01


  • Report webservices: order by pipe element id

[1.3.0-alpha1] - 2020-06-30


  • Report webservices for annotation tasks - get annotations per label and annotations per day statistics
  • Token webservice for user - get a valid api token

[1.2.0] - 2020-06-28


  • SIAReview:
    • Review tool for annotation tasks in designer interfaces
    • Allows to view and adjust annotations for SIA and MIA tasks
    • Allows also to filter annotations by iteration
  • Docs: Description of Utf-8 char encoding fix (see #72)


  • Live logs: Show logs live in pipeline frontend when clicking on logs (see #84)
  • Allow html tags inside task instructions and label descriptions (see #78)

[1.1.4] - 2020-06-08


  • Updated nodejs version in oder to get ci running

[1.1.3] - 2020-06-05


  • SIA:
    • Added next/ prev image shortcut via ArrowLeft/ArrowRight keys (see #67)
    • Added camera move on wasd keys


  • SIA: Show annotation nodes in foreground and label above annotation to prevent that nodes are not accessible by the annotator (see #74)

[1.1.2] - 2020-05-26


  • PyAPI: get_label_tree method did not return any label tree

[1.0.1] - 2020-05-26


  • PyAPI: get_label_tree method did not return any label tree

[1.1.1] - 2020-05-15


  • Docs: Migration guide -> How to migrate from 0.0.6 to 1.1.0 (see #71)
  • Reduction of docker images size (see #68)
  • Use docker-compose for gpu worker (see #65)

[1.1.0] - 2020-04-06


  • Usermanagement: Integrated usermanagement refactoring (see also #47)
  • SIA:
    • Always reset annotation mode to view when getAnnoBackendFormat is called
    • Delete annotation in sia canvas correctly, when they are moved out of the image.
    • Prevent user from moving image out of canvas
    • Confirm label in LabelInput by click on the respective label
    • Configure name of the default Label by a prop
    • Provide method to reset canvas zoom
    • It is now possible to define custom label colors via canvas possibleLabels props


  • SIA: Fixed all annotations lost bug. (see also #51)
    • When a new annotation was created and deleted before a backend update was performed, SIA sent this annotation to backend for an db update
    • The backend then tried to update a db record that did not exists which caused an exception.
    • The result was that all annotation where lost
  • SIA: Fixed crash on changing image when label input is active.
  • SIA Fixed jumping camera when zooming into the image
  • SIA Fixed LabelInput on wrong position when image was zoomed

[1.0.0] - 2019-10-17


  • SIA: Delete annotation by hitting Backspace
  • Example pipeline for multi label support in SIA


  • SIA:
    • Close label input field also when clicking on a annotation
    • Autoscale font size in AnnoBar

[1.0.0-alpha.4] - 2019-10-07


  • MIA: Frontend undo button


  • Heavy frontend cleanup


  • MIA: Allow to assign label by mouse click in dropdown also if underlaying image is excluded

[1.0.0-alpha.3] - 2019-10-05


  • anno_helper.divide_into_patches: output of shifted bbox coordinates.
  • blacklist: fixed behaviour of get_whitelist method. Do not put images automatically on blacklist.

[1.0.0-alpha.2] - 2019-10-04


  • SIA: Added button to delete all 2D annos


  • Update AnnoTask progress bar on sia update events
  • adapted imageai package installation for gpu container

[1.0.0-alpha.1] - 2019-10-04


  • Blacklist class for image blacklisting
  • Added anno helper & vis to docs


  • Removed LifeSign from Logger


  • LifeSign from logging
  • frontend cleanup: removed old tools (sia/pipeline)


  • fixed destroyed conda env in lost-cv-gpu container

[1.0.0-alpha.0] - 2019-10-01


  • SIA: New features
    • Fullscreen mode
    • New GUI design in order to enlarge the image canvas
    • Assignment of image labels for captioning
    • Multi label support -> Assignment of multiple labels per annotation or image
    • Full redo/ undo support
    • Introduced info boxes to show additional information
    • An annotator may mark an image as Junk if it should not be considered for annotation
    • A minimum area for annotations can be defined.
  • Database:
    • Added description field to ImageAnno and TwoDAnno. This can be a description that can be added by an annotator or algorithm und was added for future features.
    • Added new table(track) for track annotation, to prepare the database for the ISA (Image Sequence Annoation) tool.


  • SIA: Complete rewrite in react.
    • Config of SIA in pipeline definition files.
  • Database:
    • In ImageAnno changed track_n -> track_id



  • SIA: In pipeline definition files config -> actions -> edit. It is not longer possible to allow/ deny actions when editing an annotation, since it was a feature that nobody used.


  • Cron: Set AnnoTask to finished if there no annotations in the current iteration


[0.0.7] - 2019-10-01


  • Docs: Added description of @KonradAdamczyk on how to install LOST from a backup


  • LOST notification system: @KonradAdamczyk fixed missing lost_url

[0.0.6] - 2019-09-19


  • GPU Worker lost-cv-gpu now contains the scikit-learn library


  • Annotation context can now also be added to monochrome images
  • Fixed typos in pipeline gui

[0.0.5] - 2019-06-26


  • Fixed import of script ENV variables that have been commented out (see commit 72fddfa)
  • Fixed offline availability since frontend was loading fonts from web

[0.0.4] - 2019-05-24


  • allow pipelines to be started by users other than admin (groups/user id mix-up)

[0.0.3] - 2019-05-17


  • allow arbitrary ports for api access through lost frontend

[0.0.2] - 2019-04-11


  • Check if pipeline definition files match specification before import or update.
  • Allow custom nginx configuration.


  • allow assigning annotasks to all users and groups in system (see issue #19)


  • change label of predicted annotations in sia (see issue #23).
  • prevent users from deleting themselves.
  • prevent users from deleting their default group, which will prevent pipelines from starting.
  • go to last image in sia: not one image too far anymore (see issue #31).
  • removed redundant data for sia annotations (see issue #29)


  • added jwt blacklist

[0.0.1] - 2019-04-08


  • Adjust loop iterations when starting a pipeline


  • prevent admin user from removing its own designer role


  • bug: update of wrong script (see issue #21)
  • logout bug: clean redux store and reset axios auth header (see issue #18)