This is a simple Kubernetes controller written in Ruby that sends email and/or Slack notifications when backups or restores are performed by Velero.
- Clone the repo
- Install with Helm
helm install ./helm \
--name velero-backup-notification \
--namespace velero \
--set velero_namespace=velero \
--set slack.enabled=true \
--set slack.webhook=https://... \
--set \
--set slack.username=Velero \
--set email.enabled=true \
--set \
--set email.smtp.port=587 \
--set email.smtp.username=... \
--set email.smtp.password=... \
--set email.from_address=... \
--set email.to_address=... \
--set email.subject_prefix="[Velero]"
That's it! You should now receive notifications when a backup/restore is started and when it's completed.