A cross platform, component based game engine that automates CPU concurrency.
Game designers create components and entities and designate data dependencies. The engine load balances these entities across all available cores. Running on a machine with more cores will automatically improve CPU bound performance without any code modifications.
Gaen is licensed under the terms of the zlib License.
Cooperative Shared Data (CSD) is what I believe to be a novel approach to CPU concurrency.
In traditional threaded concurrency, one must take care not to have two logical tasks modify data simulatenously. There are two primary reasons this is so:
- Operating system threading is pre-emptive
- Simultaneous access to data may occur on multiple cores
The CSD approach, introduced with the Gaen engine, solves these problems with:
- A custom, non-pre-emptive, cooperative task runtime
- Segregation of mutable data by physical core
This may not be an appropriate general purpose concurrency strategy, but the structure of games, whereby there is a game loop polling for inputs, updating objects, and rendering, make them particularly well suited for the CSD approach.
To enable rapid prototyping and empower non-C++ programmers to create with Gaen, there is Compose. It is a C-like language with lots of syntactic sugar around components, entities and message passing. It eliminates the boiler plate verbosity that comes with forcing C++ into a message passing, component based model.
The compiler’s code generation targets C++. There are several nice advantages to this, including taking advantage of modern C++ optimizing compilers, and being able to use a debugger on generated code.
Plans for an interpreter and VM are in the works. Ultimately, a designer will be able to utilize an interpreted version of the language for rapid development, and compile into C++ when code stabilizes.
A solid asset cooking toolset is a must for any substantially complex game project. Chef serves this purpose in Gaen.
Cookers are modular, and can be easily registered, even by projects outside of the Gaen core code.
Asset dependencies are tracked, and exotic cooking methodologies are supported, such as multi-stage cooks from a raw type to multiple other raw types and finally to cooked assets.
Shadergen allows you to write GLSL shaders and compile them into C++ wrapper classes. Preprocessor defines are supported. Compile time errors in shader code can be found easily and corrected at build time. Shader uniform and varying variables are settable through the C++ wrappers.
Gaen is intended to be incorporated into larger projects. To start a project simply run the python/start_project.py program and template starter files will be created for you to make a custom project based on Gaen.
Projects have the opportunity to provide their own assets, as well as Compose scripts and asset cookers specific to the project.
Active development is for Windows, and that platform will generally always be functional. The engine is designed for 64 bit, but a 32 bit build works as well. OSX, Linux, and iOS support is periodically tested and updated, but may not be working at a particular time as they are not my priority right now.
Modern C++ features are used extensively, so you must have a recent compiler. On Windows this means VC 2019 or above. On OSX, the most recent Xcode will serve you well. On Linux, this will mean at least GCC 6.1.