lando start
lando manage migrate
# create a super user for the admin part
lando manage createsuperperson --email
You can use Vagrant to create a virtual machine running the project out of the box. You need to have Vagrant and VirtualBox installed on your computer.
If this is not already installed, install vagrant-hostmanager plugin :
$ vagrant plugin install vagrant-hostmanager
Then just launch the box :
$ vagrant up
This installs PostgreSQL, Redis and Node onto the virtual machine, and launch three more systemd services :
which is the development server of this projectMailHog
, a catch-all SMTP server used for developmentwebpack
, the webpack dev server with hot reloading
You can access Django from http://agir.local:8000 and Mailhog from http://agir.local:8025. Webpack dev server listens on port 3000.
Initial migrations are automatically applied, and some fake data has been
loaded up. You can connect directly connect to the django admin using the
default superuser admin@agir.local
with password password
The /vagrant
directory in the box is synchronized with your
project directory on the host.
Whenever you change the django models, you'll have to generate the migrations and apply them.
Connect to the vagrant box and move to the project directory :
$ vagrant ssh
$ cd /vagrant
Generate, then apply the migrations :
$ poetry run ./ makemigrations
$ poetry run ./ migrate
We use Travis to automatically test our code. To make sure you won't have to
recommit again, you should run the tests and the linters before pushing (again, this should
be ran from inside the /vagrant
folder in the vagrant box).
$ black agir/
$ node_modules/.bin/eslint --fix agir/
$ poetry run ./ test
Si vous avez un environnement de développement déjà en place avant le 7 janvier, vous devez réaliser les opérations suivantes pour qu'il reste fonctionnel.
Assurez-vous de d'abord réaliser toutes les migrations jusqu'au commit c5e16d4be173. Ensuite, dans une console django, exécutez le script suivant :
from django.db import connection
QUERY = """
INSERT INTO django_migrations (app, name, applied)
('people', '0001_creer_modeles', NOW()),
('people', '0002_objets_initiaux', NOW()),
('people', '0003_segments', NOW()),
('payments', '0001_creer_modeles', NOW()),
('groups', '0001_creer_modeles', NOW()),
('groups', '0002_creer_sous_types', NOW()),
('events', '0001_creer_modeles', NOW()),
('events', '0002_objets_initiaux_et_recherche', NOW());
with connection.cursor() as cursor:
Les nouvelles migrations seront ainsi considérées comme déjà exécutées.