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In-Browser AES File Encryption with Data Integrity Check



Cryption is an open-source tool that encrypts and decrypts your data in the browser.

It does not upload data to any cloud.

It checks the file integrity, making it impossible to manipulate data without the correct password.

You can also give hints in order to remeber your password.

If you want to, you could download Cryption and use it fully functional offline on your computer.


Usage Information

To use Cryption as it was intentioned, I advice you to use Firefox. Both Chrome and Safari will crash when files get big (>25 MB), while Firefox managed to encrypt and decrypt files larger then 100 MB. It was also the fastest, but nonetheless, every browser should work

If you want to upload a directory, consider zipping it before uploading, since JavaScript cannot handle directory uploads. You can, however, upload multiple files, which Cryption then bundles to a zip-archive automatically.



# Clone the repository (stable branch)
git clone -b master cryption

#Change Directory
cd cryption

# Install npm packages
npm install

# Start a local server
npm start


# Clone the repository (stable branch)
git clone -b master cryption

#Change Directory
cd cryption

# Install npm packages
npm install

# Build the app 
npm run-script build

Use on local machine without internet

Download the latest file from the Cryption releases.

After unzipping it, you can just open the index.html file with your browser, no need to put it on a server!


If you are missing a feature or have new idea, go for it! That is what open-source is for!


Tim-Luca Lagmöller (@lagmoellertim)

Donations / Sponsors

I'm part of the official GitHub Sponsors program where you can support me on a monthly basis.

GitHub Sponsors

You can also contribute by buying me a coffee (this is a one-time donation).

Ko-Fi Sponsors

Thank you for your support!


MIT License

Copyright © 2019-present, Tim-Luca Lagmöller

Have fun 🎉