released this
20 Mar 15:52
c6b877a *.vim
a1bb857 CopyFile doc comments update, use long package names for sub-pkgs
313e26d Handle examples for multi-handler and annotation
314344a Handler multi call moved to internal/handler pkg with tests
bbf85b6 Handler must be a type alias, and keep it to handler pkg
ca7e9a8 Handler type must be type alias
4a30688 HandlerFn renames & support for multiple handler functions
34754a3 Merge branch 'internal-variadic-removal' into repare-major-release
95c6e7a Merge pull request #23 from lainio/repare-major-release
08a533d Note that with out comma
a9218f2 Note that without comma, and updated docs
b189b5b Push and Pop works for sub-goroutines + docs
1b8c72d Result2 Def1 & Def2 are two separated now
ff0f65c SetLogTrace docs: setting affects to all logging supporting function
4f2b63f Std streams output funcs NoReset-versions
56741bc add missing links to docs
316ba86 adding links to assert pkg
bcca59e assert pkg docs: sub-goroutines in unit tests, better English
7d66b3d better docs for panic handler in Handle
41cda29 better documentation INil and INotNil
d077657 better documentation, rm not used function
cc31822 better message in example
2c48c35 better test case to use elsewhere
4ee44c4 bug fixed, reset the error, now doesn't
07c4a76 clean spaces
c2f1416 code block intention
874d11f comment of control flow assertions
bfd8dc5 continuing go doc format fixes, we are almost there
a9a9c89 docs cleaned and simplify, remove wordiness
a0180d6 docs how to combine SetErrorTracer, etc. with Flags
10bd9be documentation about auto-generated messages, better layout, etc.
7920fdf documentation note that you can use Flag pkg with SetXxxTracers
c2eec00 documentation of using isErrorOnly
dfde0a4 documentation to sample
abdb34e english
9ec0e64 err2 main doc's links
9b5e417 explain error return traces and add link to Zig
b2d4af0 export because of the doc ref link
ed98df4 finalize release 1.0.0 message
ad70547 fix documentation
a8d6e30 fix some code block intentions
1aeaa32 fix: Plain assert allows override assert msg
097ce05 fixing bugs from prebuilt error handlers
a744f45 flag & TestMain info for SetDefault documentation
fd0a95f given assert msg is concat to auto-generated msg
089db87 hyperlinks in docs
67cff84 implement&test for auto-annotation for multi-handler API
6a2ea35 internal variadic -> slices
598fd73 ioutil -> io
15dcc61 keep sample short, clean spaces
7a1a1ed missing helper comment in func Log doc
efed678 more docs to Plain, Prod, and Dev
1790aa0 more links
b56f802 move all handlers from err2.go and add Handlers helper to handlers.go
aafd5de move asserter constant's documentation above of section: go doc way
45fa921 multi-handler & auto-annotation documentation to Handle
a8e9077 multiple error handlers documentation to Handle/Catch
7087dd6 new stream Copy benchmark
ddb444c no use variadic expanse in internals
8f4e835 not used ascii removed
8073fd2 package lvl PushTester info for goroutines
9c7c414 pkg lvl documentations for err2, assert, and try
4550b2e readability of the assert pkg main doc
c086eb1 real hyperlinks
fb152fa real multi-handler call stack parsing test added
e0eec58 release comments of API changes
6bbd852 remove assert.SetDefault
8ab9b40 rm 'That: ' from That and ThatNot asserter functions
a308c3e rm exported asserters + rename, some documentation update
4202c60 rm exported types and fix documentation according & export fns
2873776 rm not used func args (linter)
c03ed81 sample code has wrong function
1bff1fc sample how to combine SetLogTracer and flag.Parse to have runtime flags
c9da721 sample how to use init() with flag defaults for err2
c7fec26 sample of using multiple error handlers in one err2.Handle
c9d5764 sentinel errors docs, and hyperlinks
28018f4 shitload of links to docs
12db281 split FuncName to allow easy fast debugging
474ff2c start hyperlinks for docs
ca5c108 string Len assert benchmark
dee8182 string Longer/Shorter cross bug fixed
d808c9b typos in assert message
fd2d889 update 1.0.0 release comment
7dc62cc update README files for 1.0.0
bbf72e7 update documentation
4e2a07a update v1.0.0 release comments
5a5806e use handler pkg's ErrorFn
8ab23ac use hyperlinks in go docs
a7a9a13 use org file copy and more samples
809b9aa wrong number strings to bad number
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