Glide has been created in order to implement the well-known cellular automaton commonly referred to as the Game of Life introduced by John H. Conway. The simulation operates under some simple rules related to the survival, reproduction and the death of the cell due to the presence or absence of a cell within the neighboring positions.
Cellular Automata: Cells change state over time following the rules devised by Conway. Interactive: Simulation can be started, paused or erased. Variable Speed: The speed at which the simulation is executed may be altered.
Basic Rules:
Cells will survive if they have 2 to 3 live neighbors. Cells which are dead will resurrect if they have precisely three neighboring cells. Other cells either die or stay dead.
Getting Started:
Run the Glide application once you have installed it. The user interface allows you to initiate or modify the simulation. In the 'patterns' directory, you may find different patterns.
For support or further information, visit Super Studios.