An universal aproach to electronic shifting with off the shelf components.
- Support for 1x12 speed controlling rear deraileur (Other speeds when customizing script)
- Single digit display indicating current gear (auto turn off delay)
- Configurating gear servo position precisely using controls
- Controlling servo position by gear selection up/down
- Fast shifting with short and long presses
- Documenting Instructions/variations in mounting and testing/troubleshooting
- A web interface for configuration adjustments, on wifi boards
- A Configurator setting up gears, front and rear deraileur and flashing firmware
- Support for front deraileur
- Update Schematics
- More targets, smaller size Arduino, Node, ESP targets
- Wireless, smartphone interface
- Statistics and data logging?
- A target device (Currently available targets):
- Arduino UNO
- Arduino NANO
- Wemos D1 mini pro (recomended)
- A servo (waterproof recomended)
- A set of buttons (waterproof recomended)
- Wires, a 120 ohm resistor and 3 resistors with same ohm number for buttons
- A 7 segment display
- A Li-ion battery providing 5V (with a regulator)
- Mounting for servo, arduino and buttons (ductape will do 👌)
- Arduino IDE to flash SpeedShift
** This will probably be configuratable and change in the future
- Press up or down button for switching 1 gear at a time
- Short press up or down button for a fast switch of 3 gear at a time
- Long press up or down button for a drastic switch of 5 gear at a time'
- Press up and down button simultaniously to start configurating the currently selected gear. A dot will apear on the seven segment display indicating you are in configurating mode
- Press up or down button to change the position of the deraileur
- Press up and down button simultaniously again to save the current position of the selected gear into memory
Yes! My aim for this project is to be a interface for multiple variations in setup, a universal firmware for gear selection and configuration. Mounting is up to you, so please add any variation in documention with photos. Maybe if there is enough interest it will gradually turn into a universal product. Or if you are into programming you can add a target, optimize or add features. Please open an issue first when working on a feature/target so others know.
- Automatic gear switching based on speed (Direct servo mount)
- (2012) (Direct servo mount)
- (Direct cable shifting test)
- Not di2 (Rear) (Front)
- (direct servo mount)