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Hi folks, please note this repo is not maintained anymore as we explained in the Rump a Rennes (and soon GreHack) talk what is the future of this project: Snuffleupagus!

That being said, this project contains multiple approaches related to php introspection for offensive research purpose.


Long story short, we create a C macro that will help us send the function's name and parameters value in a lock-free FIFO queue that will then send async POST requests to out python backend that can be easily tweaked for more filtering. So you can know what's going on in PHP without suffering from the huge xDebug's overhead! ^.^

HowTo - Internalog

# Get deps
sudo apt install -y pkg-config build-essential autoconf bison re2c libxml2-dev libsqlite3-dev libreadline-dev libzip-dev libssl-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libonig-dev libpq-dev libreadline-dev libpng-dev libjpeg-dev libfreetype-dev libsodium-dev

# Prepare build
./buildconf --force

# For development with extensions
./configure --enable-debug --enable-mysqlnd --with-pdo-mysql --with-pdo-mysql=mysqlnd --with-pdo-pgsql=/usr/bin/pg_config --enable-bcmath --enable-fpm --with-fpm-user=www-data --with-fpm-group=www-data --enable-mbstring --enable-phpdbg --enable-shmop --enable-sockets --enable-sysvmsg --enable-sysvsem --enable-sysvshm --with-zlib --with-curl --with-pear --with-openssl --enable-pcntl --with-readline --enable-gd --with-freetype --with-jpeg --enable-intl --with-zip --with-sodium

# Build
make -j$(nproc)
sudo make install

# Configure the config sample to be used as config file
sudo ln -sf "$(pwd)/internalog/internalog.conf" /etc/internalog.conf

# Turn on the log-ingester (new shell, ever heard of tmux split pane?)
cd log-ingester && poetry install && poetry run python

# Run
./sapi/cli/php samples/index.php

Expected result

$ poetry run python
Listening on udp
{'name': 'phpinfo', 'parameters': []}
{'name': 'popen', 'parameters': ['/usr/bin/whoami', 'r']}
{'name': 'shell_exec', 'parameters': ['ls']}
{'name': 'exec', 'parameters': ['whoami']}
{'name': 'system', 'parameters': ['whoami']}
{'name': 'passthru', 'parameters': ['whoami']}
{'name': 'assert', 'parameters': ['$test == 1']}
{'name': 'copy', 'parameters': ['not_a_file', 'not_a_file_either']}
    'name': 'proc_open',
    'parameters': [
            'zend_resource : not yet supported',
            'zend_resource : not yet supported',
            'zend_resource : not yet supported'
        'unknown type'
{'name': 'eval', 'parameters': ['echo "test \\n";']}
{'name': 'include', 'parameters': ['include.php']}
{'name': 'require', 'parameters': ['include.php']}
{'name': 'include_once', 'parameters': ['include.php']}
{'name': 'require_once', 'parameters': ['include.php']}
{'name': 'require', 'parameters': ['include.php']}
{'name': 'require_once', 'parameters': ['include.php']}

Configure the logs

The cli tools will expect to find a JSON config file named /etc/internalog.conf

Possibles values :

  • ihost : <IP> (a string) The IP to send UDP packages to
  • iport : <PORT> (a number) The port to send UDP packages to
  • (Optional) : true|false Enable/disable ILOG

NOTE : Since PHP is called during its own compilation, we try to read the MAKEFLAGS env variable, if it exists we disable ILOG (overrides enable setting)

Add functions logs

  1. Look for PHP_FUNCTION(<FCT_NAME>)
  2. Just at the beginning of the function add ILOG_FUNCTION("<FCT_NAME>")
  3. Build and run, add your test to php.php

Example : ext/standard.c

  ILOG_FUNCTION("assert") // Log macro

  [...] // Original code

Functions to instrument

Needs more research

Aka can't find with PHP_FUNCTION(...:

  • call_user_func
  • call_user_func_array
  • create_function
  • PHPExecute

Batch 1

  • popen
  • shell_exec
  • exec
  • system
  • passthru
  • phpinfo
  • assert
  • preg_replace
  • copy
  • eval
  • include
  • include_once
  • require
  • require_once
  • proc_open // done, env not added, too painful
  • pcntl_exec // done, not tested, requires build flags..

Batch 2

  • array_diff_uassoc
  • array_diff_ukey
  • array_filter
  • array_intersect_uassoc
  • array_intersect_ukey
  • array_map
  • array_reduce
  • array_udiff
  • array_udiff_assoc
  • array_udiff_uassoc
  • array_uintersect
  • array_uintersect_assoc
  • array_uintersect_uassoc
  • array_walk
  • array_walk_recursive
  • assert_options
  • backtickoperator
  • bzopen
  • chgrp
  • chmod
  • chown
  • disk_free_space
  • disk_total_space
  • diskfreespace
  • exif_imagetype
  • exif_read_data
  • exif_thumbnail
  • extract
  • file
  • file_exists
  • file_get_contents
  • file_put_contents
  • fileatime
  • filectime
  • filegroup
  • fileinode
  • filemtime
  • fileowner
  • fileperms
  • filesize
  • filetype
  • fopen
  • fsockopen
  • ftp_get
  • ftp_nb_get
  • ftp_nb_put
  • ftp_put
  • get_cfg_var
  • get_current_user
  • get_meta_tags
  • getcwd
  • getenv
  • getimagesize
  • getlastmo
  • getmygid
  • getmyinode
  • getmypid
  • getmyuid
  • glob
  • gzfile
  • gzopen
  • hash_file
  • hash_hmac_file
  • hash_update_file
  • header
  • highlight_file
  • image2wbmp
  • imagecreatefromgif
  • imagecreatefromjpeg
  • imagecreatefrompng
  • imagecreatefromwbmp
  • imagecreatefromxbm
  • imagecreatefromxpm
  • imagegd
  • imagegd2
  • imagegif
  • imagejpeg
  • imagepng
  • imagewbmp
  • imagexbm
  • ini_set
  • invoke
  • iptcembed
  • is_dir
  • is_executable
  • is_file
  • is_link
  • is_readable
  • is_uploaded_file
  • is_writable
  • is_writeable
  • iterator_apply
  • lchgrp
  • lchown
  • link
  • linkinfo
  • lstat
  • mail
  • md5_file
  • mkdir
  • move_uploaded_file
  • ob_start
  • Other
  • parse_ini_file
  • parse_str
  • pathinfo
  • pfsockopen
  • php_strip_whitespace
  • posix_getlogin
  • posix_kill
  • posix_mkfifo
  • posix_setpgid
  • posix_setsid
  • posix_setuid
  • posix_ttyname
  • preg_replace_callback
  • proc_close
  • proc_get_status
  • proc_nice
  • proc_terminate
  • putenv
  • read_exif_data
  • readfile
  • readgzfile
  • readlink
  • realpath
  • register_shutdown_function
  • register_tick_function
  • rename
  • rmdir
  • session_set_save_handler
  • set_error_handler
  • set_exception_handler
  • sha1_file
  • show_source
  • spl_autoload_register
  • sqlite_create_aggregate
  • sqlite_create_function
  • stat
  • symlink
  • tempnam
  • tmpfile
  • touch
  • uasort
  • uksort
  • unlink
  • usort