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An Extension Board for the Amstrad CPC based on the Blue Pill Microcontroller


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An Extension Board for the Amstrad CPC based on the Blue Pill Microcontroller


The Ultimate CPC MIDI Sound & MIDI Interface Card

The first application of this IO interface: using an S2 Waveblaster from Serdashop and an Adafruit Midifeather board to create the ultimate CPC MIDI sound + MIDI interface card.


  • CPC MIDI Soundcard for the S2, X2GS, EWave, or QWave GM MIDI modules from Serdashop
  • CPC can send MIDI data over output port &FBEE to the MIDI module
  • MIDI IN and MIDI OUT via Adadfruit Midifeather (standard MIDI DIN sockets)
  • MIDI IN to the CPC: check for new MIDI byte on input port &FBFE and fetch pending byte from buffer via &FBEE
  • MIDI soft through option: all incoming MIDI data (from CPC or MIDI IN) can be forwarded / relayed to the MIDI OUT socket ("MIDI SOFT THRU")
  • CPC MIDI Synthesizer software in machine code (MIDI INPUT demo)
  • CPC GM Drumcomputer software in BASIC (MIDI OUTPUT demo)
  • "Lazy engineering": MX4 compatible CPC extension board using three sockets, one for the Blue Pill, one for the S2, one for the optional Midifeather.
  • Only one additional chip required - a GAL22V10 programmed as an address decoder. The Blue Bill does not have enough 5V-compatible GPIO ports to do the decoding fully in sofware
  • Everything else is done purely in software - unlike LambdaSpeak, no additional glue logic is required to manage the databus (e.g., no flip flop to latch the databus upon IOWRITE requests, or busdriver to tristate the microcontroller output to the bus upon IOREAD requests). The 72 MHz Blue Pill is fast enough to respond to and manage IO requests and the databus via ISRs (Interupt Service Routines). It was tedious to get the timing of the ISRs right (done by inserting __asm__("nop") at the right spots), but it works flawlessly by now.
  • No extra circuitry for Z80 /WAIT management
  • Low cost
  • Very DIY friendly (no SMD, plug and play of standard modules)
  • Fully OpenSource


PDF Version of schematics - don't use the values in the schematics, see below!

Bill of Material (BOM)

Don't use the values from the schematics, use these instead:

  • GAL: Lattice 22V10 (B or D)
  • C1: 104 (100 nF)
  • C2, C3: 224 (220 nF)
  • C4: this is bridge wire, not a capacitor!
  • R1, R2: 2k
  • R3: 4.7k
  • 8 position DIP switch
  • Line-out mini stereo socket
  • Push button
  • BluePill, Adafruit MIDI FeatherWing

Review by "My Electronics Hobby" (in German)

And here a review in German by "My Electronics Hobby". Dankeschön, Werner! Schön, dass alles so gut geklappt hat mit dem Zusammenbau.

Schneiderlein 1

Review by "The Amstrad Noob"

"The Amstrad Noob" did a very nice review of the card - thanks much, Niall, glad you are enjoying it!

Amstrad Noob

YouTube Demos

X2GS Demo Video with the CPC 6128 by Manfred Gross

"The Turn of a Friendly Card" on the CPC 6128 with the S2

Turn of a Friendly Card - Alan Parsons

"Oxygene 4" on the CPC 6128 with the S2 and XMem RAM Expansion

Oxygene 4 - JMJ

"Eye in the Sky" on the CPC 464 with the X2GS and XMem RAM Expansion

Eye in the Sky demo

"Force Majeure" on the CPC 464 with the X2GS and Revaldinho's 512 KB RAM Expansion

Tangerine Dream - Force Majeure

Some more videos:

Extended Memory (CPC 6128) and the Ultimate MIDI Card - Untruncated Mammagamma & Axel F

New Songs for Ultimate MIDI Card - X2GS GM / GS MIDI Standalone CPC MIDI Playback

The fantastic X2GS GM / GS MIDI Soundcard and Standalone CPC MIDI Playback

Standalone CPC MIDI Playback

Realtime MIDI Transformation performed by the CPC

First PCB Demo

DIN MIDI IN to CPC and CPC Synthesizer

DIN MIDI IN to S2 / General Midi MID Playback

Sending MIDI Data from the CPC to the S2

First Batch Ready!

First Batch

Prototype PCB

Pic PCB 1 Pic PCB 2 Pic PCB 3 Pic PCB 4 Pic PCB 5

Breadboard Pics

Pic 1

Pic 2

Pic 3

DIL Switch

Switch Explanation
1 Route CPC to S2
2 Route CPC to MIDI OUT
3 Route MIDI IN to S2
5 Route S2 L Channel to CPC Speaker
6 Route S2 R Channel to CPC Speaker
7 1 = Enable card - make sure 8 = 0
8 0 = Enable card - make sure 7 = 1


Read the following description for an explanation of the demo programs.

Recommended MIDI Cable

Some PC / MAC MIDI USB cables won't work. I have used this one with good success:

DigitalLife USB MIDI Interface Cable.

First Steps with the Ultimate MIDI Sound Card

A recent customer asked me for this, so here we go.

First, load the cpc/ULTMIDI.dsk and check out the programs MIDIOUT.BAS and MIDIDRUM.BAS, as demonstrated here:

That should give you some sound from the stereo socket, and you should also be able to hear MIDI sound in the CPC speaker if DIL switches 5 and 6 are set to ON; see above for the DIL switch table.

Note that, for the CPC to S2 MIDI routing to work, DIL switch 1 must be set to ON position ("Route CPC to S2").

Next, try to play the MIDI song SONG2.BIN from cpc/ULTMIDI3.dsk. Use the Play option when the program starts, and see if you can hear Alan Parsons! See

There are 8 more such "song fragments" on the cpc/ULTMIDI2.dsk. Read below to learn how you can record your own song fragments from a MID file being played back by the PC or Mac.

Please note that that the songs on cpc/ULTMIDI2.dsk and cpc/ULTMIDI3.dsk were created using realtime MIDI recording with the CPC and the Ultimate MIDI Card itself. The RECORDE2.BAS MAXAM assembler program can be used for that (be sure to hit x to stop the recording; if you record too long, it will overwrite the CPC's firmware RAM and crash the machine - future work to make it more robust...)

However, the songs on cpc/PLAYBCK2.dsk, cpc/PLAYBCK3.dsk and cpc/PLAYBCK4.dsk were created with a Python-based .MID to BIN converter.

The song-fragments on cpc/PLAYBCK1.dsk can be played with an unextended CPC 464. The PLAYBACK.BAS program require MAXAM assembler. The cpc/PLAYBCK2.dsk contains complete MIDI songs, but requires a CPC 6128. Songs are now partioned into 16 KB fragments to support easy loading into the indiviual 16 KB memory seqments. The PLAYBACK.BAS program on this disk requires MAXAM assembler as well. Finally, ths disks cpc/PLAYBCK3.dsk and cpc/PLAYBCK4.dsk require the standard DK'tronics 512 KB memory expansion (or ToTO's XMem, Revaldhino's memory expansion, etc.) The songs on these disks are rather large and split into up to 9 16 KB segments. In addition to the PLAYBACK.BAS MAXAM assembler program, there is also a binary version of the loader / playback program available, PLAYBIN.BAS.

See here for a video of cpc/PLAYBCK1.dsk, and here for a video of cpc/PLAYBCK2.dsk.

Next, if you have a MIDI sound module, keyboard or synthesizer, you can try connecting it to the MIDI OUT socket and see if you can playback the same sounds / songs with this external device. Note that you must have DIL switch 2 set to ON ("Route CPC to MIDI OUT"). Both switch 1 and 2 can be ON at the same time. In this case, the CPC-generated MIDI data will be played via the connected external module, and via the S2 (or X2GS, ... or whatever is plugged in at the S2 connector at the back of the card).

Next, you can try MIDI Input. For that, you will need a MIDI device that can generate MIDI data, e.g., a synth or keyboard, or a MIDI USB cable and a PC / Mac program that can generate MIDI data. Some come with a virtual "piano keyboard" that can be used to send MIDI data. Or you can play back a MID file from the PC that way.

Now, with the external MIDI data generating device connected to MIDI IN, if DIL switch 3 is set to ON, then the firmware will automatically forward any received MIDI message to the S2 (X2GS, ..., whatever is connected to the S2 plugin header at the back of the card). And without CPC involvement.

So, this allows you to use the card as a standalone MIDI instrument. You only need to supply 5V power via the CPC, but no CPC program is required. If you can find a way to feed 5 V into the card without the CPC, then you will have a real standalone GM MIDI expander, like the Roland Sound Canvas (and it sounds equally good, especially with the X2GS!).

Next, the card can also act as an additional MIDI Forwarder / Repeater. This is like the MIDI THROUGH socket on MIDI devices. Each incoming MIDI message is automatically forwarded to the MIDI OUT DIN socket if DIL switch 4 is ON. Hence, with switches 3 and 4 enabled, you can play MIDI on the card, and forward the same data at the same time to another externally connected MIDI device. MIDI devices can be daisy-chained in that way (and, for example, be configured for different MIDI channels).

Now, if you want to process the MIDI data received over the MIDI IN socket with the CPC, then you want to disable switch 3, because else every incoming MIDI message would be played back automatically by the card (the plugged-in S2, X2GS, ...), BluePill firmware-based.

So the next test then is to disable switch 3, connect your MIDI synth / keyboard or PC USB MIDI cable to MIDI IN as before, and now load the program CPCSYNTH.BAS from the cpc/ULTMIDI.dsk. You will need the MAXAM 1.4 assembler in ROM. As soon as the program starts ("press any key"), you should see incoming MIDI sync messages on the screen from the external MIDI device (or MIDI USB PC cable).

Any incoming MIDI Note On / Off message will be played in the CPC speaker; i.e., the CPC's internal AY-3-8912 soundchip now acts as a MIDI instrument. It is 3note polyphonic. Note that it listens to MIDI channel 0 (or 1?), so the MIDI channel needs to be set correctly on the external instrument / MIDI device! generating the Note On / Note Off messages.

Whereas CPCSYNTH.BAS demonstrates how to turn the CPC into a simple 3note polyphonic MIDI keyboard using MIDI IN, the CPCTHRU.BAS program on the cpc/ULTMIDI.dsk demonstrates how to receive MIDI data and simply forward it with a CPC program. Again, MAXAM assembler in ROM is required. So, with this program running, any incoming MIDI message will be forwarded / echoed / relayed to MIDI OUT. This achieves the same effect as described above, but this time the "forwarding function" is computed by the CPC rather than the BluePill firmware.

This gives of course more flexibility, because now we can change the MIDI data stream on the fly with a CPC program. This is demonstrated with the CPCTRAFO.BAS MAXAM assembler program. Here, MIDI data can be transposed by 0, 1, 2 octaves on the fly. See

Watchout for the following gotcha: if you have MIDI IN & MIDI OUT connected to the PC / Mac program that you are using to send data, make sure that you don't have a MIDI IN -> MIDI OUT Soft Thru enabled in the PC / Mac program! Because that'll result in an infinite MIDI feedback loop if you also have Switch 4 enabled on the card (Route MIDI IN -> MIDI OUT). The CPC will crash for sure trying to process that stream!

Finally, you can try to record a whole complex stream of MIDI messages, generated by playing back a a complex .MID GM MIDI song, "in realtime" into CPC memory. Once in CPC memory, you can play it back from there, and also save it to disk. This is what the program RECORDER2.BAS on cpc/ULTMIDI3.dsk is doing (MAXAM assembler again). All the song fragments on cpc/ULTMIDI2.dsk and cpc/ULTMIDI3.dsk were created that way - I simply played back a complex GM .MID song with the PC using a MID file player.

However, the data format is not optimized yet, and the program is proof-of-concept and "bare bones" only. So depending on the complexity of the MIDI data that is being recorded in that way, you'll reach the end of the CPC memory after about 45 seconds to 1 minute, and then the program crashes when firmware locations are overwritten in RAM by the RECORDER2.BAS. I should find some time to improve the program at some point. So, when recording, make sure to hit the "x" key to quit "early enough" during recording, else it crashes your CPC. There is a video of the recording process:

And a note of warning: depending on the complexity of the MIDI recorded that way, this is really at the limit of what the BluePill & CPC combo can do. If the MIDI gets too complex, then the CPC might also crash. This is caused by the BluePill. The CPC software generates IOREAD / IOWRITE requests on the Z80 bus, for reading and writing of MIDI data. The BluePill firmware handles these IO requests purely in software, using Interupt Request Handlers (ISRs). CPC IO requests hence cause interupts to the BluePill firmware program. At the same time, MIDI data also generates interupts. If there are too many interupts being generated from highly complex incoming MIDI data, then the BluePill might not have enough processing speed to also serve the CPC-generated interupts in a timely fashion concurrently, hence violating the Z80 IO port protocol, crashing the system.

The songs on cpc/ULTMIDI2.dsk and cpc/ULTMIDI3.dsk are at the absolut limit of what can be recorded in REALTIME with the CPC & BluePill combo, and I had to record them with the CPC 464, as my 6128 was having timing issues here. It is possible that I will try to tweak the firmware a bit more at some point, but not much can be done to eleviate this problem, as the bandwidth / speed is simply not there in the BluePill (one would think 72 MHz are enough, but... it is at the limit). So, when trying to record this on your own, your "milage may vary".

Note that this problem only occurs for ultra-complex polyphonic mult-track MIDI data realtime recording / streaming (i.e., a whole complex MIDI song is being recorded in realtime, not only a single MIDI instrument track as one would usually do in a standard MIDI sequencer application), and that the problem only occurs for recording, not for playback. Also, less complex MID songs are entirely unproblematic, i.e., recording classical music that usually consists of piano track only etc. does not cause any bandwidth issues.

At some point, I also want to write a MID file player for the CPC (other customers are also working on this). Then there would be no need to "record" the MIDI songs in that way.

Python Converter

Use the PythonConverter/ executable to convert MIDI files into BIN files for the CPC playback.bas (MAXAM) or blackback.bin machine code program. You'll find these programs on the demo disks; e.g., cpc/FORCE.dsk.


Latest News

  • 4/28/2024: Another great demo video with the X2GS sound module on the CPC 6128 by Manfred Gross

  • 4/28/2024: CPC enthusiast Manfred Gross demonstrates the Ultimate MIDI Board with his 6128 Plus, demonstrating that the card is working fine with his 6126 Plus. A previous customer had reported that the card wouldn't work with his Plus - this report was the reason why I listed the CPC Plus range as officially unsupported by the card. So, as always: your milage may vary - I personally don't see a reason why the card wouldn't work with the Plus. But it may not always be so straight-forward with 40 year old hardware.

  • 8/31/2023: CPC enthusiast Manfred Gross has created 19 (!) DSK images with fresh MIDI songs for the Ultimate MIDI Card and allowed me to share them with you - here you go!. He used the PythonConverter. Thanks Manfred, great stuff!

Older News

  • 3/1/2022: the Python converter is available now.


  • 1/26/2022: first steps with the Python-based MID->BIN converter to create complex MIDI content for the card. Support of the CPC 6128 extended memory and DK'tronics "standard" 512 KB memory expansion.

  • 9/15/2021: 3 more devices have been sold, and a "Howto - First Steps" section was added to this README.

  • 7/1/2021: MIDI Data Stream Recorder implemented - I can now record & play back complex GM MIDI songs from the CPC memory. As usual, the Z80 assembler source code of the MIDI recorder & playback program and a number of BIN song files are in the repo. A demo of the program and the 8 song BINs is on YouTube: Standalone CPC MIDI Playback. I expect this kind of "MIDI data playback from CPC memory" to be the main application for the card, so most people will just use it as a MIDI sound card for their CPCs. However, unlike other MIDI sound cards, you can effortlessly create MIDI songs simply by recording the MIDI stream; hence, content / song creation for the card is literally effortless if you have a PC USB MIDI cable.

The friends from Matrixsynth also posted my update - thanks, guys!

Matrixsynth New

  • 6/23/2021: First batch produced and sold!

First Batch

  • 6/19/2021: The Prototype PCBs are working!

Pic PCB 1

  • 6/11/2021: The Prototype PCBs have been designed and are currently in production.


  • 6/1/2021: The project was featured by Matrixsynth.

Maxrix 1

Maxrix 2

Maxrix 3




An Extension Board for the Amstrad CPC based on the Blue Pill Microcontroller








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