Predicate is a simple library for parsing, evaluating and textually representing predicates (boolean functions).
git clone
cd predicate/cmd/reduce && go install
The following table shows some examples of how reduce
works. Using standard input and output makes easier typing the boolean operators, since you can use Vim's multibyte input method (ex: C-k OR writes ∨), and then pipe the selected text using the visual mode to the reduce
command, or just store the predicates in a file and then use it as standard input to reduce
(reduce < file_with_predicates
Standard input | Standard output |
true | true |
¬false | true |
¬true | false |
true ∧ false | false |
false ∧ false | false |
false ∨ false | false |
false ∨ true | true |
¬(true ∧ true) | false |
¬(true ∧ ¬A) | ¬(¬A) |
A ∧ A | A |
true ⇒ false | false |
A ≡ true | A |
A ≡ false | ¬A |
A ≡ A | true |
A ≡ ¬A | false |
A ≢ A | false |
A ⇐ true | A |
A ≢ false | A |
The syntax is based on EWD1300 which I have formalized in the following grammar:
predicate = term {('≡'|'≢') term}.
term = junction ({'⇒' junction} | {'⇐' junction}).
junction = factor ({'∨' factor} | {'∧' factor}).
factor = [unaryOp] (identifier | '(' predicate ')').
unaryOp = '¬'.
The procedure Reduce
applies the following rules while reducing the predicate.
¬true ≡ false
¬false ≡ true
A ∨ false ≡ A
A ∧ true ≡ A
A ∨ true ≡ true
A ∧ false ≡ false
A ∨ B ≡ B ∨ A
A ∧ B ≡ B ∧ A
A ≡ true ≡ A
A ≡ false ≡ ¬A
true ⇒ A ≡ A
false ⇒ A ≡ true
A ⇒ true ≡ true
A ⇒ false ≡ ¬A
A ⇐ B ≡ B ⇒ A
A ≢ B ≡ A ≡ ¬B