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Repository files navigation


This repository contains the public-facing website code. This has been developed with TMS WEB Core. It is intended as a relatively simple portal site - a gateway to the rest of the Acuranzo suite of products and services.

Repository Information

Count Lines of Code

Last updated at 2024-08-11 19:55:27 UTC
Language                     files          blank        comment           code
JSON                             4              0              0            162
HTML                             3             25             18            154
JavaScript                       3              6              0             95
YAML                             2             15             23             71
XML                              1              0              0             66
Delphi Form                      1              2              0             55
Markdown                         1              2              2             36
CSS                              1              2              2             35
Pascal                           2             11              2             32
SUM:                            18             63             47            706
138 Files were skipped (duplicate, binary, or without source code):
  png: 120
  html: 4
  ico: 4
  css: 2
  js: 2
  cname: 1
  dproj: 1
  dsk: 1
  gitignore: 1
  identcache: 1
  json: 1

Contact Information

Please refer to the Acuranzo website for the most current contact information.