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Spring5新特性之Web Flux

Landy.Liu edited this page May 25, 2019 · 1 revision

1. 为什么要使用Web Flux?


  • Non-blocking Programing
    • NIO
    • Reactive
Part of the answer is the need for a non-blocking web stack to handle concurrency with a small number of threads and scale with fewer hardware resources. Servlet 3.1 did provide an API for non-blocking I/O
  • Functional Programing
    • Lambda
The other part of the answer is functional programming.Much as the addition of annotations in Java 5 created opportunities (such as annotated REST controllers or unit tests), the addition of lambda expressions in Java 8 created opportunities for functional APIs in Java.

2. 从Web MVC 过度到Web Flux

注意:Spring Web MVC和Web Flux是不能共存的。他们都不是线程安全的?

Spring Web MVC 是“抄袭”JSR规范而来的。


Web Flux启动的是NettyWebServer,没有Servlet规范了,不依赖于Servlet容器了。Web MVC是依赖于Servlet规范的。


2.1 Annotated Controller

跟Spring Web MVC是一致的。

2.2 Web Flux配置

2.3 Reactor框架


3. 函数式Endpoint