Copyright (c) 2014, Liang Li<;>.
All rights reserved.
License: BSD-style
ConnectMore is a UI for Cloudict of the game Connect6, written by Python 3. Other connect6 programs with similar commands are also supported. It can be ran on different platform including Linux/Mac/Windows.
For the default game engine, please see Cloudict.
For the computer game, please see Connect6.
Have fun! :-)
This python 3 script depends on some standard modules, including:
- Tk/tcl
- subprocess
- threading
- time
- os
- random
This program will create a process to run the game engine, default is Cloudict.
It will send commands into the engine's stdin, and read its output from stdout by pipelines.
The commands as follows:
name - print the name of the Game Engine.
new xxx - start a new game and set it to White.
black XXXX - place the black stone on the position XXXX in the board.
white XXXX - place the write stone on the XXXX in the board, X is the A-S.
next - the engine will search the move for next.
depth d - set the alpha beta search depth, default is 6.
vcf - set vcf for searching.
unvcf - unset vcf.