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Tharles de Sousa Andrade edited this page Sep 12, 2023 · 16 revisions

QGIS Fast Grid Inspection (FGI) - User Guide

Welcome to the User Guide for the FGI for QGIS. This guide aims to provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to make the most out of this versatile tool. QGIS Fast Grid Inspection (FGI)

Table of Contents

  1. Installation
  2. Getting Started
  3. Tile Classification Process
  4. Troubleshooting
  5. Contribution & Feedback

Installation Guide for FGI Plugin in QGIS

This guide is aimed at helping you install the FGI Plugin in QGIS.


Before proceeding with the installation, please make sure you have the following:

  • QGIS installed on your computer.

Recommended QGIS Version

For optimal performance and compatibility, we recommend the following software versions:

  • QGIS version: 3.28.9-Firenze
  • QGIS code revision: 66f4d63a
  • Qt version: 5.15.8
  • Python version: 3.9.9
  • GDAL/OGR version: 3.5.2
  • PROJ version: 8.2.1
  • EPSG Registry database version: v10.041 (2021-12-03)
  • GEOS version: 3.11.2-CAPI-1.17.2
  • SQLite version: 3.36.0
  • PDAL version: 2.4.3
  • SpatiaLite version: 5.0.1
  • QWT version: 6.1.5
  • QScintilla2 version: 2.11.6
  • OS version: KDE Flatpak runtime

Installation Steps

Follow these steps to install the FGI Plugin:

Step 1: Open QGIS

Launch the QGIS application on your computer.

Step 2: Go to Plugins

In the upper menu, navigate to Plugins and then select Manage and Install Plugins...

Step 3: Install from ZIP

  1. In the "Manage and Install Plugins" window, go to the Install from ZIP tab.
  2. Download the FGI Plugin ZIP file from this GitHub link.
  3. Click on the ... button next to the "ZIP file" field to browse your computer and locate the downloaded ZIP file.
  4. Select the ZIP file and click the Open button.
  5. Now, click on the Install Plugin button to start the installation.

Install from ZIP

Wait for the installation process to complete. Once done, you should see a message saying that the plugin was successfully installed.

Step 4: Activate the Plugin

Make sure to activate the FGI Plugin by checking its corresponding checkbox in the "Installed" tab of the "Manage and Install Plugins" window.

Activate the Plugin

Step 5: Verify Installation

Verify that the FGI Plugin has been added to your QGIS plugins and is available for use.

Verify Installation

Getting Started

First-Time Setup

The first time you open the FGI Plugin, a demo configuration will appear. This demo aims to walk you through the various features of the plugin, showcasing its capabilities and functionalities. Follow the guided steps to familiarize yourself with the plugin's user interface and features.

Understanding the Plugin Environment

After spending some time with the demo, you'll become acquainted with the plugin's operations, workflow, and navigation. This will prepare you for more advanced tasks and features that the plugin offers.


Creating a New Inspection

Creating a new inspection is a straightforward process but involves several crucial steps to ensure you gather the most accurate and useful data. Below is a comprehensive guide that will walk you through each step.

Configuration Steps

Step 1: Interpret Name

Navigate to the Config tab and locate the Interpret name field. Enter the name of the person who will be responsible for conducting the inspections. This will be useful for tracking purposes and future reference.

Step 2: Tiles File (.gpkg)
  • Requirement: The plugin specifically needs a GeoPackage file (.gpkg) to proceed.
  • Action: Click on the Open button next to the Tiles file (.gpkg) field to browse your computer and select the .gpkg file containing the areas you want to inspect.

Step 3: Working Directory
  • Action: Define the working directory where all tiles with inspected pixels will be saved. This allows for easier access and better organization of your inspection data.

Step 4: Load Config From
  • Options: You can load the configuration from either a Local source or a URL.
  • Action: Select the appropriate option based on your preference.
If "Local" is Selected:

You will need to fill the Local Config field with a JSON object like the following:

    "bing_maps_key": "Your_Bing_Maps_Key_Here",
    "cell_size": 10,
    "classes": [
            "class": "SEEDED GRASS",
            "selected": false,
            "rgba": "255,255,0,77"
            "class": "NATURAL OR SEMI-NATURAL GRASS",
            "selected": false,
            "rgba": "255,165,0,77"
            "class": "OTHERS",
            "selected": true,
            "rgba": "255,51,0,77"

In this example, we've provided a set of default classes for illustration purposes. However, users are free to define any classes they wish to suit their specific inspection needs.

Feel free to use this improved sentence in your documentation.

Explanation of JSON Fields:
  • bing_maps_key: As the plugin utilizes Bing services to obtain image dates, you'll need to enter your Bing Maps Key. The demo includes a generic project key, but creating your own is recommended.

  • cell_size: Defines the size of the "virtual pixels" in meters. For instance, a cell size of 10 will create a grid with 10x10 meter pixels.

  • classes: An array listing the classes or labels you wish to inspect.

    • class: The class name to be stored in the final GeoPackage.
    • selected: Controls which class is selected. Only one class can be set to true.
    • rgba: Defines the color to represent the class. The last value controls the transparency, which should be configured carefully to ensure effective inspections.
If "URL" is Selected:
  • Action: Fill in the Local URL field with a URL that returns a JSON object similar to the local config JSON.

    • Note: This feature allows organizations to standardize inspection configurations, ensuring all interpreters use the same classes by delivering the configuration JSON via a centralized API.
Step 5: Show Import Classification Button
  • Action: Toggle this config to control the visibility of a button that allows you to import Bing classifications.


QGIS Fast Grid Inspection (FGI) Tile Classification Process

Tile classification is conducted in two distinct stages. Follow the steps below for a seamless classification experience:

1. Initialization

  • Tab Activation:
    • Click on 'Init Inspections'. This action enables the 'Bing Tile' and 'Google Tile' tabs.

2. Classification on the Bing Tile Tab

  • Date Query:
    • Upon entering the 'Bing Tile' tab, the system automatically fetches the image date using the tile centroid via the Bing API.
  • Classification:
    • Select the desired class.
    • Mark the pixels on the tile in accordance with the selected class. Continue this until the entire tile is classified.
  • Completion:
    • Click on 'Finish Bing Classification' when done.


3. Classification on the Google Tile Tab

  • Point Capture:
    • Start by clicking the capture button, and subsequently click on the tile's center.
  • Date Determination:
    • Open Google Earth Pro and input the captured point in the search bar to identify the image's date.
    • Input this date into the 'IMAGE DATE' field.


  • Classification:
    • Post the date confirmation, class options will be made available.
    • Continue the classification in a manner similar to the Bing tab.
  • Optional Import:
    • For those who wish to import classifications from the Bing tab, click on 'Import Bing Classification'.


4. Saving

  • Finalization:
    • Upon classifying the entire tile, hit the button with the 'save' symbol.
  • GPKG File:
    • A GPKG file will be generated, housing all the classifications. It's saved in the predefined working directory.


Please refer to the GitHub Issues section to report problems or see existing solutions.

Contribution & Feedback

For details on how to contribute or provide feedback, please refer to the Contribution & Feedback section in the README.