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Tailwind CSS Demo

This repo is for a lightning talk for the Omaha Laravel Meetup group.

The purpose of the demo is to outline basic installation and usage of TailwindCSS in a Laravel project.

Introduction Deck

Here's PDF version of the presentation deck.

Here's the YouTube Video of the live demo.


Peter DeMarco

  • Twitter: @BeardAboutIt
  • Github: /PeterDKC
  • Currently: @LinkedIn

Local installation

git clone
cd tailwind-demo
composer install
npm install

Copy .env.example. Set your dev database details in .env, along with any other relevant details, such as APP_NAME and APP_URL. Mostly the defaults should be fine.

The Sprocket package will set up the mysql database and local site user for you. You'll need to know the root ( or homestead, etc. ) mysql user credentials for the next step.

php artisan key:generate
php artisan sprocket:makedb
php artisan trees:seed

You should now have your databases installed, migrated, and 10 faked Trees in the database.

Set up your local development site however you usually do (e.g. valet, apache, or php artisan serve) and resolve any errors that appear in the browser.

You should see a list of Trees with create, edit, and delete buttons with browser default styling.


master: This branch contains a default Laravel application with the Tree model, controller, migration, and seeder. It has a set of views to view, create, edit, and delete Tree resources in the database. It has no styles applied to any of the frontend. It does include Vue.js and the MDI font set.

Once you've following the above steps you can branch off of master with:

git checkout -b my-awesome-branch-name

See git guides / documentation for futher options from here.

demo: See Demo Branch below.





Below are the set of steps to get Tailwind up and running and start applying classes to the application.

Get the Tailwind Preset Installed

git checkout -b my-branch-name
composer require laravel-frontend-presets/tailwindcss
php artisan preset tailwindcss
npm install && npm run dev && npm run dev

Alter Mix Config

Open webpack.mix.js and make the following changes to the last few lines of the file:




if (mix.inProduction()) {



   .extract(['vue', 'axios']);

This instructs Webpack to always version ( cache-bust ) our frontend assets, and to make longer-lived files for seldom-changed libraries ( Vue and Axios ). The extract() directive is optional but is a good habit to get into.

Note that this requires mixing 3 javascript files into the application instead of just one:

from resources/views/layouts/app.blade.php in this application:

    <!-- Scripts -->
    <script src="{{ mix('js/manifest.js') }}"></script>
    <script src="{{ mix('js/vendor.js') }}"></script>
    <script src="{{ mix('js/app.js') }}"></script>

MDI Icons

Add the following two lines to the top of resources/assets/css/app.css:

$icon-font-path: '~mdi/fonts';
@import '~mdi/css/materialdesignicons.css';

This will instruct Webpack to build out the MDI icon files and package them with the application.

Configure some basic Tailwind Options - Color

Tailwind is fully configurable. Its default set of styles is laid out in a large JavaScript array in tailwind.js in your app root.

Find the colors section, and then the list of green colors. Replace them with the following:

  "green-darkest": "#174F1C",
  "green-darker": "#227729",
  "green-dark": "#2E9E37",
  green: "#39C645",
  "green-light": "#61D16A",
  "green-lighter": "#88DD8F",
  "green-lightest": "#B0E8B5",

Find the colors > brand section ( at the bottom of the color declarations ). Replace orange with green in these declarations to match our Tree theme. Example:


    get ["brand-darkest"]() {
        return this["orange-darkest"];


    get ["brand-darkest"]() {
        return this["green-darkest"];

Configure some basic Tailwind Options - Margin & Padding

The list of basic Padding and Margin options contains a good default set. However you usually will want to fill in some of the skipped "steps" in these.


In tailwind.js, find the padding section. You'll see that steps 0-4, 6, & 8 come out of the box, stepping up .25rem per step. Fill in any additional options. Example:

    padding: {
        px: "1px",
        "0": "0",
        "1": "0.25rem",
        "2": "0.5rem",
        "3": "0.75rem",
        "4": "1rem",
        "5": "1.25rem",
        "6": "1.5rem",
        "7": "1.75rem",
        "9": "2.25rem",
        "10": "2.5rem",
        "12": "3rem",
        "16": "4rem",
        "20": "5rem",
        "24": "6rem",


You'll find an identical set of out-of-the-box options in the margin section. Make any desired alterations.

Re-Build Your Assets

Don't forget that after any changes to webpack.mix.js or tailwind.js, you'll need to reubuild your frontend assets with Webpack! Changes to taildwind.js should be picked up automatically by npm run watch, but for webpack.mix.js alterations you probably have to stop the watch script and re-run manually.

npm run dev


npm run watch


You're ready to start applying styles into the site.

Demo Branch

Here's an example app.css file from the demo branch. I haven't completed the form styles, just a basic version of the main page. This all took me roughly 45 minutes.

$icon-font-path: '~mdi/fonts';
@import '~mdi/css/materialdesignicons.css';

@tailwind preflight;
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;

/* importing another css file with some custom styles for organization */
@import 'buttons.css';

/* this could easily just be on h1 instead .main-header, it's up to you. */
.main-header {
    @apply .text-brand-dark .mb-4 .pl-4;

/* if you want to implement something like a Bulma card component, go for it! */
.card {
    @apply .border .p-4 .border-brand-dark;
    @apply .my-4 .shadow;

/* you can make your own "Tailwindy" utility classes. */
.bg-bottom-grey {
    @apply .pb-4 .border-b-2 .border-grey;

    If you want to extend your generic base component and then make
    something for specific use cases, it's super easy.
.tree-info {
    @apply .card;

.tree-info-header {
    @apply .flex .mb-4 .w-full .text-grey-darker .bg-bottom-grey;

.tree-info-header div {
    @apply .w-1/4;
    @apply .font-bold .text-blue;

.tree-info-header div span {
    @apply .font-normal .text-grey-dark .italic;


TailwindCSS Demo for Laravel Omaha Meetup Group






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  • PHP 90.8%
  • HTML 8.6%
  • Vue 0.6%