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Fonty Python
Copyright (C) 2006,2007,2008,2009,2016,2017 Donn.C.Ingle

Fonty Python comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details
see the COPYING file.  This is free software, and you are welcome
to redistribute it under certain conditions; see the COPYING file 
for details.


Future maintainers
Please read DEVNOTES.


A Note on Python 3
I want to move to Python 3, but my toolkit (wxPython) has not released 
their Python 3 compatible wxPython 4.x for Linux. This means I am stuck
on Python 2.x for an unknown span.

I hear that Python 2.x is being discontinued in 2020. I don't know what
that means. If the distros drop Python 2.x at that point, then Fonty
will die right there.

Let's see.

NB: Try to remove the old version BEFORE you install FP.
You can find the path by:
locate fontypythonmodules

If that does not work, then you must update your locate database:
As root run: locate -u
Go make coffee. Then run the locate command above again.

This will give you a directory something like:

Use your root account to remove that folder:
cd /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages
sudo rm -fr fontypythonmodules

(Be *very* careful what you type!)
You should be good to go now.

How to install
Please see the end of this file if your install fails, there are
certain files that FP relies upon.

I assume you have extracted the "tarball" already.
Change to the directory it created.

As the root user enter this command:
python install --force

You might need to use sudo:
sudo python install --force

* Please do use the --force flag, or there may be old
files from the last version of Fonty that can cause bugs.

This will create a program called 'fontypython'

Alternative installation
Move the entire extracted folder to a folder that
is in your PATH, like ~/bin
Make a link to the fontypython script like this: (for e.g.)
tar -s ~/bin/fontypython-x.x.x/fontypython .
Make it executable:
chmod u+x fontypython

Now you should be good to go.
If it does not work, try closing your console and
starting it again.

Refreshing the icon cache
I found that Fonty's icons don't appear at first.
To refresh the cache (on Ubuntu, at least) try:
sudo update-icon-caches /usr/share/icons/*

(There's also: gtk-update-icon-cache)

Running the program
To get started on the console:
fontypython -h

For exmaples ('e'):
fontypython -h e

For the gui, run fontypython
(Hit F1 for in-app help)

Troubleshooting the installation
Fonty Python depends on several other libraries:
( These are minimum version numbers )
1. python2.4 to python2.7 (Not python3)
2. python-dev (odd one this. See notes below)
3. python-pil (The "Pillow" module has replaced the old PIL one.)
4. python-wxgtk3.0 (Not 4.x, which is unreleased.)

Items 1 and 3 are usually pre-installed on Gnu\Linux distros.

Item 2 is a new twist. I am not sure why it's required for FP
(yes - I don't know everything :)) but some users have had
problems and installing python2.4-dev fixed them.
(replace 2.4 with the actual version of python you are using.)
On *buntu:
sudo apt-get install python2.4-dev

If you cannot install item 2 - try the alternative 
installation instructions above.

Item 3 - python-imaging is known as the PILLOW library.
It should be available in your repo. I used vers 3.1.2 to 
develop. Make that the min.

Item 4 may be installed, or it may be in your distro's
main repository.To install item 4, try the following:
On *buntu/Debian:
apt-cache search python-wxgtk
Find the latest version in the list, then:
sudo apt-get install python-wxgtkX.Y
(replacing X.Y with the results of your search)

After this has all installed, try to run fontypython again.

If you still do not come right, then I advise you
to go to the following web sites for help directly
from the horse's mouth:

Or open a ticket on our site:

Make sure your LANG variable is set properly.
To run under a locale, do something like this:

You can find your locales by:
locale -a

If localization is not working it could be that there is no 
translation for your language yet, it can also be a 
problem with missing packages in your distro.

This is what I installed on my system (Kubuntu 7.10 as of 
December 2007) while I was developing:
language-pack-gnome-fr (*)
(*) This one is VERY important, it has many stock translations for GTK. Without it
you likely not see buttons and widgets in the right language.

Substitute your language code as you please.

If you want to help translate, please contact us via the 
fontypython list:

I have included the pot files that I have. Look at fontypythonmodules/pofiles/README
(Translation stuff is messy. Headers are all wrong and versions all over the place.)