This utility provides support for running the Lasso.js from the command-line.
npm install lasso-cli --global
A simple usage that writes out a JavaScript bundle and a CSS bundle to the static/
directory that includes all of the required dependencies is shown below:
lasso foo.js style.css --main main.js --name "my-page"
With additional options:
lasso jquery.js style.less \
--main "main.js" `# Entry point JavaScript module for the browser` \
--name "my-page" `# Give the page bundle files a name` \
--out static `# Output directory` \
--url-prefix "http://mycdn/static/" `# URL prefix` \
--fingerprint `# Include fingerprints` \
--html `# Head and body HTML` \
--minify `# Minify JavaScript and CSS` \
--inject-into index.html `# Inject HTML markup into a static HTML file` \
--plugins "lasso-less" "lasso-marko" `# Install plugins`
Alternatively, you can create a JSON configuration file and use that instead:
lasso --config lasso-config.json
For additional help from the command line, you can run the following command:
lasso --help