A CD rip log checker package. Currently only supports EAC rip logs.
This software is still very much in the alpha stage. It works as a proof of concept, but the checks that have been implemented, have been imported poorly. When you find an issue, please report it here on GitHub so it can be fixed.
Implement scoring based on EAC-logs parsed into Json format
Test Json Parser thoroughly and implement exceptions / checks for older logs.
Colored output in both CLI and HTML.
$ composer require denzo/riplogchecker
Basic usage
$ php riplogchecker path/to/log/file.log
Output the score AND the resulting Json
$ php riplogchecker path/to/log/file.log --json
/* Make sure we use the RipLogChecker class*/
use RipLogChecker\RipLogChecker;
/* Load a log file */
$logFile = file_get_contents('eac_rip.log');
/* Create new logchecker object */
$logChecker = new RipLogChecker($logFile);
/* Retrieve the log score */
$score = $logChecker->getScore();
/* Retrieve the Json */