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@gwhelanLD gwhelanLD released this 08 May 00:10

[3.0.0] - 2021-05-07

This major version has an accompanying Migration Guide. Please see the guide for more information on updating to this version of the SDK, as the following is just a summary of the changes.

Usages of Gson provided types have been removed from the public API, replacing JsonElement with LDValue provided by the SDK. LDValue can represent the same values as a JsonElement, but has a diferent API. See the API documentation for a detailed reference.


  • LDConfig.Builder customization:
    • The autoAliasingOptOut configuration option that is used to control the new automatic aliasing behavior of the identify method; by setting autoAliasingOptOut to true, identify will not automatically generate alias events.
    • The headerTransform configuration option that supersedes the previous additionalHeaders configuration option by allowing fully dynamic updating of headers for requests the SDK makes to the LaunchDarkly service.
    • The privateAttributes configuration option that replaces setPrivateAttributeNames, specifying the private attributes as vararg UserAttribute arguments rather than a Set<String>. This allows easily specifying built-in attributes.
  • LDUser(String) constructor that creates a fully default user.
  • New accessors for LDUser
    • getAttribute(UserAttribute) for programmatically retrieving attribute values.
    • getCustomAttributes() for retrieving the currently set custom attributes.
    • getPrivateAttributes() for retrieving the attributes set to be private on this user.
    • isAttributePrivate(UserAttribute) for checking if a given attribute is private.
    • Getters for all built-in attributes, e.g. getName()
  • New LDUser.Builder methods overloads for custom and privateCustom:
    • custom(String, boolean) and privateCustom(String, boolean) for setting custom attributes to boolean values.
    • custom(String, int), privateCustom(String, int), custom(String, double), and privateCustom(String, double) for setting custom attributes to numeric values.
    • custom(String, LDValue) and privateCustom(String, LDValue) for setting custom attributes to arbitrary data.
  • The UserAttribute class, which provides a less error-prone way to refer to user attribute names in configuration. This class can also be used to get arbitrary attribute
  • LDClient functionality:
    • The alias method that is used to associate two user objects for analytics purposes with an alias event.
    • jsonValueVariation and jsonValueVariationDetail. These are equivalent to the removed jsonVariation and jsonVariationDetail other than using LDValue instead of JsonElement.
    • trackData(String, LDValue) which replaces track(String, JsonElement). Other than changing to use LDValue the behavior is the same.
    • trackMetric(String, LDValue, double) which replaces track(String, JsonElement, Double). This also uses LDValue rather than JsonElement, and requires a metric value. Otherwise use trackData.
  • The LDGson and LDJackson classes, which allow SDK classes like LDUser to be easily converted to or from JSON using the popular Gson and Jackson frameworks.
  • EvaluationDetail.fromValue and EvaluationDetail.error factory methods.
  • LDHeaderUpdater interface for the new headerTransform configuration option.


  • Fixed an issue where the SDK could log error level messages when attempting to send diagnostic events without an internet connection. The SDK will no longer attempt to send diagnostic events when an internet connection is known to be unavailable, and will not log an error level message if the connection fails. Thanks to @valeriyo for reporting (#107).
  • Fixed an issue where LDUser instances created before calling LDClient.init without specifying a key would have the key UNKNOWN_ANDROID rather than a device unique key.
  • Fixed an issue where flags listeners would be informed of changes to unchanged flags whenever the SDK receives an entire flag set (on a new stream connection, a poll request, or any stream updates behind a relay proxy).
  • Fixed an issue where a NullPointerException is thrown if LDClient.close() is called multiple times.
  • Improved the proguard/R8 configuration to allow more optimization. Thanks to @valeriyo for requesting (#106)
  • Fixed a potential issue where the SDK could cause additional throttling on requests to the backend service when previously throttled requests had been cancelled before completion.

Changed (requirements/dependencies/build)

  • Migrated from using the Android Support Libraries to using AndroidX from Jetpack. Using AndroidX requires the android.useAndroidX Android Gradle plugin flag to be set to true in your application's file. If your application previously set the android.enableJetifier Android Gradle plugin flag to true in it's file soley for the LaunchDarkly SDK, this flag can now be removed. Thanks to everyone who requested this enhancement (#103).
  • The minimum Android API version has been raised from API level 16 (Android 4.1 Jelly Bean) to API level 21 (Android 5.0 Lollipop).
  • The SDK no longer has a dependency on Google Play Services. This dependency was only used on pre-21 Android API levels to improve TLS 1.2 compatibility, as the minimum Android version has been raised to 21, the dependency is no longer necessary.
  • The SDK is now built with modern Gradle (6.7, Android plugin 4.1.3) and uses Java 8.

Changed (API)

  • Package names have changed: the main SDK classes are now in com.launchdarkly.sdk and
  • All LDConfig.Builder setters have been renamed to remove the set prefix, e.g. LDConfig.Builder.setMobileKey has been renamed to LDConfig.Builder.mobileKey.
  • LDClient API changes:
    • boolVariation and intVariation no longer use nullable object types for argument and return values, instead using primitive types, e.g. Boolean boolVariation(String, Boolean) became boolean boolVariation(String, boolean).
    • boolVariationDetail and intVariationDetail no longer use nullable object types for argument values, instead using primitive types, e.g. boolVariationDetail(String, Boolean) became boolVariationDetail(String, boolean).
    • floatVariation and floatVariationDetail have been changed to have the same behavior as the removed doubleVariation and doubleVariationDetail.
    • allFlags() now returns Map<String, LDValue> rather than Map<String, ?>. Rather than the returned Map containing Boolean, Float, and String typed objects, with JSON values represented as strings, the Map contains LDValue typed objects which return the source type (including complex types such as JSON arrays and objects).
  • EvaluationDetail.getVariationIndex() now returns int instead of Integer. No variation index is now represented as the constant EvaluationReason.NO_VARIATION.
  • EvaluationReason is now a single concrete class rather than an abstract base class. Usages of the sub-classes can be replaced with the base class.

Changed (behavioral)

  • The default polling domain (configurable with LDConfig.Builder.pollUri) has changed from to
  • The default eventsUri used to send events to the service has changed from to The SDK will now append the expected endpoint path (/mobile) to the configured Uri, which is more consistent with other LaunchDarkly SDKs.
  • For compatibility with older SDK behavior, the LDClient.stringVariation method could be used to retrieve JSON flags in a serialized representation. This compatibility behavior has been removed, and attempts to request a JSON valued flag using stringVariation will behave the same as other mismatched type variation calls.
  • The LDClient.identify method will now automatically generate an alias event when switching from an anonymous to a known user. This event associates the two users for analytics purposes as they most likely represent a single person. This behavior can be disabled with the autoAliasingOptOut configuration option.
  • All log messages are now tagged LaunchDarklySdk for easier filtering. Thanks to @valeriyo for the suggestion (#113).
  • LDUser now overrides equals, hashCode, and toString with appropriate implementations.
  • and LDUser.Builder.privateCountry(String) no longer attempt to look up the country from the provided String (attempting to match it as an ISO-3166-1 alpha-2, alpha-3 code; or a country name) and set the country to the resultant IOS-3166-1 alpha-2 only if successful. The SDK no longer gives this attribute special behavior, and sets the user's country attribute directly as the provided String.


  • LDConfig.Builder:
    • setBaseUri(Uri) has been removed. Please use setPollUri(Uri) instead.
    • setAdditionalHeaders(Map<String,String>) has been removed. Please use headerTransform(LDHeaderUpdater) instead.
    • setPrivateAttributeNames(Set<String>) has been removed. Please use privateAttributes(UserAttribute...) instead.
  • LDUser.Builder:
    • country(LDCountryCode) and privateCountry(LDCountryCode) have been removed. Use country(String) or privateCountry(String) to set the country value on a user.
    • custom(String, Number) and privateCustom(String, Number) have been removed. Use the (String, int) or (String, double) overloads instead.
    • custom(String, Boolean) and privateCustom(String, Boolean) have been removed. Use custom(String, boolean) or privateCustom(String, boolean) instead.
    • custom(String, List<String>), LDUser.customString(String, List<String>), LDUser.privateCustomString(String, List<String>). Use custom(String, LDValue) and privateCustom(String, LDValue) instead.
    • customNumber(String, List<Number>) and LDUser.privateCustomNumber(String, List<Number>). Use custom(String, LDValue) and privateCustom(String, LDValue) instead.
  • LDClient:
    • doubleVariation and doubleVariationDetail have been removed. Use floatVariation and floatVariationDetail instead.
    • jsonVariation and jsonVariationDetail have been removed. Use jsonValueVariation and jsonValueVariationDetail instead.
    • track(String, JsonElement) and track(String, JsonElement, Double) overloads have been removed, please use the designated methods trackData(String, LDValue) and trackMetric(String, LDValue, double) instead.
  • The public constructor for EvaluationDetail has been hidden. Use the new factory methods EvaluationDetail.fromValue and EvaluationDetail.error instead.
  • The concrete sub-classes of EvaluationReason have been removed in favor of making EvaluationReason a concrete class. The accessors on the sub-classes have been moved to the base class. Instead of using instanceOf to determine the type, use getKind().
  • LDCountryCode has been removed as no SDK APIs use this class.
  • All classes and interfaces in the,,, and packages. These classes and interfaces were not intended for external use.
  • Debounce, FeatureFlagFetcher, SummaryEventSharedPreferences, UserSummaryEventSharedPreferences, and Util in These deprecated classes and interfaces were not intended for external use.