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Releases: launchdarkly/api-client-java


15 Oct 17:39
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  • Added filter query parameter to GET /api/v2/metrics/{projectKey} (List metrics)
  • Added expand query parameter to GET /api/v2/members/{id} (Get member
  • Added expand query parameter to GET /api/v2/members (List member)
  • Added expand query parameter to PATCH /api/v2/members/{id} (Patch member)
  • Added expand query parameter to POST /api/v2/members (Create member)
  • Updated MemberRep to include RoleAttributes
  • Updated MetricInGroupRep and MetricV2Rep to both contain the metric's 'unitAggregationType`
  • Updated the kind field in DependentMetricOrMetricGroupRep to allow enum value standard, used for metric groups
  • Added latestCommitTime field to the response of GET /api/v2/code-refs/statistics/{projectKey} (Get code references statistics for flags)
  • Added optional statisticalMethodology field to the request body of POST /api/v2/projects/{projectKey}/environments/{environmentKey}/experiments (Create experiment)
  • Added statisticalMethodology field to the response bodies of:
    • POST /api/v2/projects/{projectKey}/environments/{environmentKey}/experiments (Create experiment)
    • PATCH /api/v2/projects/{projectKey}/environments/{environmentKey}/experiments/{experimentKey} (Patch experiment)
    • GET /api/v2/projects/{projectKey}/environments/{environmentKey}/experiments/{experimentKey} (Get experiment)
    • GET /api/v2/projects/{projectKey}/environments/{environmentKey}/experiments (Get experiments)
  • Added autoApplyApprovedChanges field to environment approval settings on project, environment, and approval request responses.
  • Added total_count field to the response of GET /api/v2/projects/{projectKey}/environments/{environmentKey}/holdouts
  • Added links field to the response of GET /api/v2/projects/{projectKey}/environments/{environmentKey}/holdouts
  • Added limit and offset query parameters to GET /api/v2/projects/{projectKey}/environments/{environmentKey}/holdouts
  • Added the GET /api/v2/caller-identity endpoint to aid in secret scanning integrations
  • Updated the GET /api/v2/flags/{projectKey}/{flagKey}/release to include the property _id in the audience response
  • Added the following endpoints in beta for Release Automation:
    • DELETE /api/v2/flags/{projectKey}/{flagKey}/release
    • PUT /api/v2/projects/{projectKey}/flags/{flagKey}/release
    • PUT /api/v2/projects/{projectKey}/flags/{flagKey}/release/phases/{phaseId}
    • GET /api/v2/projects/{projectKey}/release-pipelines/{pipelineKey}/releases
  • Added optional holdoutId field to the request body of POST /api/v2/projects/{projectKey}/environments/{environmentKey}/experiments (Create experiment)
  • Added holdoutId field to the response bodies of:
    • POST /api/v2/projects/{projectKey}/environments/{environmentKey}/experiments (Create experiment)
    • PATCH /api/v2/projects/{projectKey}/environments/{environmentKey}/experiments/{experimentKey} (Patch experiment)
    • GET /api/v2/projects/{projectKey}/environments/{environmentKey}/experiments/{experimentKey} (Get experiment)
    • GET /api/v2/projects/{projectKey}/environments/{environmentKey}/experiments (Get experiments)
    • Updated GET /api/v2/projects/{projectKey}/environments/{environmentKey}/context-attributes/{attributeName} to accept a limit param.
  • Added optional projectKey/environmentKey to the query params of beta endpoints:
    • GET /api/v2/usage/service-connections
    • GET /api/v2/usage/experimentation-units
    • GET /api/v2/usage/experimentation-keys
    • GET /api/v2/usage/data-export-events
  • Added environmentKey field to the response bodies of:
    • POST /api/v2/projects/{projectKey}/environments/{environmentKey}/experiments (Create experiment)
    • PATCH /api/v2/projects/{projectKey}/environments/{environmentKey}/experiments/{experimentKey} (Patch experiment)
    • GET /api/v2/projects/{projectKey}/environments/{environmentKey}/experiments/{experimentKey} (Get experiment)
    • GET /api/v2/projects/{projectKey}/environments/{environmentKey}/experiments (Get experiments)
  • Added POST /api/v2/auditlog to support large policy statement lists (that would not otherwise fit in the URL)
  • Updated 200 response type for PUT /api/v2/projects/{projectKey}/flags/{flagKey}/release/phases/{phaseId}
  • Updated FeatureFlagStatus to use an enum for its name
  • Updated PATCH /api/v2/projects/{projectKey}/flags/{flagKey} to include the ignoreConflicts query parameter
  • Added variance field for each relative difference in the GET /api/v2/projects/{projectKey}/environments/{environmentKey}/experiments/{experimentKey}/metrics/{metricKey}/results endpoint
  • Added varianceReduction field for each relative difference in the GET /api/v2/projects/{projectKey}/environments/{environmentKey}/experiments/{experimentKey}/metrics/{metricKey}/results endpoint
  • Added endpoints for managing experiment layers:
    • Create a new layer: POST /api/v2/projects/{projectKey}/layers
    • Update a layer: PATCH /api/v2/projects/{projectKey}/layers/{layerKey}
    • Get layers: GET /api/v2/projects/{projectKey}/layers
  • Added endpoints for managing holdouts:
    • Create a new holdout: POST /api/v2/projects/{projectKey}/environments/{environmentKey}/holdouts/{holdoutKey}
    • Update a holdout: PATCH /api/v2/projects/{projectKey}/environments/{environmentKey}/holdouts/{holdoutKey}
    • Get a holdout by id: GET /api/v2/projects/{projectKey}/environments/{environmentKey}/holdouts/id/{holdoutId}
    • Get a holdout by key: GET /api/v2/projects/{projectKey}/environments/{environmentKey}/holdouts/{holdoutKey}
  • Added totalCount field to the response body of GET /api/v2/metrics/{projectKey} (list metrics)
  • Added pagination to GET /api/v2/projects/{projectKey}/metric-groups (list metric groups)
    • Added limit and offset query params
    • Added totalCount field to the response body
  • Added optional attributes field to the request body of POST /api/v2/projects/{projectKey}/environments/{environmentKey}/experiments (create experiment) and POST /api/v2/projects/{projectKey}/environments/{environmentKey}/experiments/{experimentKey}/iterations (create iteration)
  • Added version field to the response bodies of:
    • GET /api/v2/members (Get members)
    • GET /api/v2/members/{id} (Get member)
    • PATCH /api/v2/members/{id} (Patch member)
    • POST /api/v2/members (Create member)
    • POST /members/{id}/teams (Add member to teams)
  • Added optional initialPrerequisites field to request body of POST /api/v2/flags/{projectKey} endpoint (Create Flag).
  • Added eventValuesSum field for each treatment result in the GET /api/v2/projects/{projectKey}/environments/{environmentKey}/experiments/{experimentKey}/metrics/{metricKey}/results endpoint
  • Added new endpoints for working with flag import configurations:
    • POST /api/v2/integration-capabilities/flag-import/{projectKey}/{integrationKey} (Create flag import configuration)
    • GET /api/v2/integration-capabilities/flag-import/{projectKey}/{integrationKey}/{integrationId} (Get flag import configuration)
    • GET /api/v2/integration-capabilities/flag-import (List all flag import configurations)
    • PATCH /api/v2/integration-capabilities/flag-import/{projectKey}/{integrationKey}/{integrationId} (Update flag import configuration)
    • POST /api/v2/integration-capabilities/flag-import/{projectKey}/{integrationKey}/{integrationId}/trigger (Trigger a flag import run)
    • DELETE /api/v2/integration-capabilities/flag-import/{projectKey}/{integrationKey}/{integrationId} (Delete flag import configuration)
  • Added model, bayesianNormal, and bayesianBeta fields for each treatment result in the GET /api/v2/projects/{projectKey}/environments/{environmentKey}/experiments/{experimentKey}/metrics/{metricKey}/results endpoint
  • Added optional methodology field to the request body of POST /api/v2/projects/{projectKey}/environments/{environmentKey}/experiments (Create experiment)
  • Added methodology field to the response bodies of:
    • POST /api/v2/projects/{projectKey}/environments/{environmentKey}/experiments (Create experiment)
    • PATCH /api/v2/projects/{projectKey}/environments/{environmentKey}/experiments/{experimentKey} (Patch experiment)
    • GET /api/v2/projects/{projectKey}/environments/{environmentKey}/experiments/{experimentKey} (Get experiment)
    • GET /api/v2/projects/{projectKey}/environments/{environmentKey}/experiments (Get experiments)
  • Added correlation, sdRatio, and covariateImbalance fields for each treatment result in the GET /api/v2/projects/{projectKey}/environments/{environmentKey}/experiments/{experimentKey}/metrics/{metricKey}/results endpoint
  • Added optional namingConvention field to the request body of POST /api/v2/projects (Create project)
  • Added new endpoint for updating an approval request: PATCH /api/v2/projects/{projectKey}/flags/{featureFlagKey}/environments/{environmentKey}/approval-requests/{id} (Update approval request)
  • Added optional query field to the filter param on GET /api/v2/projects/{projectKey}/metric-groups to search against the metric group name and key
  • Added documentation for the filter param on GET /api/v2/projects/{projectKey}/metric-groups
  • Added limit, offset, and asOf query parameters to the GET /api/v2/tags (List tags) endpoint
  • Added optional limit field to GET /api/v2/projects/{projectKey}/environments/{environmentKey}/context-attributes
  • Updated the distribution field in the GET /api/v2/projects/{projectKey}/environments/{environmentKey}/experiments/{experimentKey}/metrics/{metricKey}/results endpoint to always use number parameters
  • Added new endpoints for working with integration configurations:
    • POST /api/v2/integration-configurations/keys/{integrationKey} (Create integration configuration)
    • `GET /api/v2/integrati...
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16 May 12:08
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No significant changes.

Full Changelog: 16.1.0...16.1.1


16 May 11:17
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[16.1.0] - 2024-05-16


  • Added optional notInExperimentVariationId field to flags inside iteration in the request body of POST /api/v2/projects/{projectKey}/environments/{environmentKey}/experiments (Create Experiment)
  • Added optional notInExperimentVariationId field in flags in the request body of POST /api/v2/projects/{projectKey}/environments/{environmentKey}/experiments/{experimentKey}/iterations (Create Iteration)
  • Added notInExperimentVariationId field to the flags object in the response bodies of:
    • POST /api/v2/projects/{projectKey}/environments/{environmentKey}/experiments (Create Experiment)
    • POST /api/v2/projects/{projectKey}/environments/{environmentKey}/experiments/{experimentKey}/iterations (Create Iteration)
    • PATCH /api/v2/projects/{projectKey}/environments/{environmentKey}/experiments/{experimentKey} (Patch Experiment)
    • GET /api/v2/projects/{projectKey}/environments/{environmentKey}/experiments/{experimentKey} (Get Experiment)
  • Added HTTP 409 as a possible response status code for PATCH /api/v2/projects/{projectKey}/environments/{environmentKey}/experiments/{experimentKey} (Patch Experiment)


15 Apr 20:40
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  • Added totalCount field to response of GET /api/v2/projects/{projectKey}/flags/{featureFlagKey}/environments/{environmentKey}/workflows
  • Added limit and offset query params to getWorkflows and getCustomRoles endpoints


  • Removed the followerId, hasDataExport, status, contextKindTargeted, and segmentTargeted filters for the getFeatureFlags endpoint
  • Removed the projects and roles options for the expand query parameter in the getTeams endpoint


13 Mar 23:59
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  • Added deprecated and deprecatedDate to the rep returned by the flags endpoints
  • Added an optional description field for a segment rule
  • Added Integrations (beta) endpoints for working with big segment persistent store integrations
  • Added environmentKey to dependent experiment rep
  • Added lastModified to the unbounded object returned by Segment APIs
  • Added results field to GET /projects/{projKey}/environments/{envKey}/experiments/{experimentKey}/metrics/{metricKey}/results, deprecating treatmentResults
  • Added critical to Environment object and POST /api/v2/projects/{projectKey}/environments endpoint request body.
  • Added expand query parameter to GET /projects/{projKey}/environments/{envKey}/experiments/{experimentKey}/metrics/{metricKey}/results with support for expanding traffic
  • Added pagination parameters limit and offset to /api/v2/tokens
  • Added missing response information to PATCH /api/v2/flags/{projectKey}/{flagKey}/release
  • Added 4xx response info to GET /api/v2, GET /api/v2/openapi.json, and GET /api/v2/public-ip-list
  • Added key to the rep returned by flag defaults endpoints
  • Added type to code references statistics reps
  • Added standard as a metric group kind
  • Added primarySingleMetric, primaryFunnel, and metrics to IterationRep, deprecating primaryMetric and secondaryMetric
  • Added primarySingleMetricKey and primaryFunnelKey to IterationInput, deprecating primary in MetricInput
  • Added _versionId field to the metric rep returned by metric and experimentation endpoints
  • Added beta engineering insights endpoints


  • Removed components schemas that were unused by any paths or operations
  • Removed the endpoint to reset experiment results
  • Removed the endpoint to create an application
  • Removed the endpoint to create an application version


  • Updated definition of post delete approval request to include previously ommited error codes 405 and 409
  • Marked key and name required in MaintainerTeam to match API behavior
  • Added filter to /api/v2/projects/{projectKey}/release-pipelines
  • Added pagination parameters limit and offset to /api/v2/projects/{projectKey}/release-pipelines
  • Renamed experimentation settings endpoints and reps to randomization settings, the fields and api's remain the same.
  • Marked nameInGroup as optional in MetricInGroupRep if and only if the group isn't a funnel.


20 Nov 21:04
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  • Added Application and Application version endpoints, in beta
  • Added unitOfAnalysis field to the metric listing rep returned by get all metrics endpoint
  • Added lastSeen field to the metric listing rep returned by get all metrics endpoint
  • Added _access object to the release pipeline rep returned by several endpoints
  • Added _links field to the team summary object returned by several endpoints
  • Added beta endpoint for getting experimentation units usage
  • Added iterationId query string parameter to /api/v2/projects/{projectKey}/environments/{environmentKey}/experiments/{experimentKey}/metrics/{metricKey}/results
  • Added pagination parameters limit and offset to /api/v2/segments/{projKey}/{envKey}
  • Added lastModifiedDate field to response of GET /api/v2/segments/{projectKey}/{environmentKey}
  • Added sort to /api/v2/segments/{projKey}/{envKey}
  • Added filter to /api/v2/segments/{projKey}/{envKey}
  • Added _id field to the expanded project information in Teams endpoints
  • Added purpose field to the FlagPost input object
  • Added migrationSettings field to the FlagPost input object
  • Added archived field to GET /api/v2/projects/{projectKey}/context-kinds and PUT /api/v2/projects/{projectKey}/context-kinds/{key}
  • Marked items required in FlagFollowersGetRep to match API behavior
  • Added _flagCount field to GET /api/v2/segments/{projectKey}/{environmentKey}
  • Added totalEvaluations field to GET /api/v2/usage/evaluations/{projKey}/{envKey}/{flagKey}
  • Added Release pipelines and Releases endpoints, in beta
    • Added links in environment representations
  • Update code and message on error reps to be required to match API behavior
  • Added name field to PhaseInfo for GET /api/v2/projects/{projectKey}/release-pipelines/{pipelineKey}/releases
  • Added unitAggregationType, analysisType, and eventDefault fields to GET /api/v2/metrics/{projectKey}, GET /api/v2/metrics/{projectKey}/{metricKey}, POST /api/v2/metrics/{projectKey}, and PATCH /api/v2/metrics/{projectKey}/{metricKey}
  • Marked items as required in EnvironmentCollectionRep to match API behavior
  • Marked color and name as required in EnvironmentSummaryRep to match API behavior
  • Added @Failure 404 with a value of Member not found to POST /api/v2/members/{id}/teams
  • Added beta endpoint to retrieve migration safety issues when updating a migration flag
  • Added migrationSettings expand parameter to GET /api/v2/flags/{projectKey}
  • Added migrationSettings expand parameter to GET /api/v2/flags/{projectKey}/{featureFlagKey}
  • Added limit and offset query params to GET /projects/{projKey}/release-pipelines/{pipelineKey}/releases
  • Added beta endpoints to create, delete, and list metric groups
  • Marked items as required on ExperimentCollectionRep to match API behavior
  • Added isGroup and metrics fields to DependentMetricOrMetricGroupRep
  • Added isGroup field to MetricInput
  • Added randomizationUnits field to MetricInGroupRep
  • Added metricGroups and metricGroupCount expand parameters to the getMetric endpoint


  • Moved PATCH /projects/{projKey}/release-pipelines/{pipelineKey} out of hidden docs
  • Set deprecated property on legacy experimentation operation which has already been deprecated
    • GET /api/v2/flags/{projectKey}/{featureFlagKey}/experiments/{environmentKey}/{metricKey}
  • Set deprecated on offset parameter which has already been deprecated
    • GET /api/v2/user-search/{projectKey}
  • Set deprecated on flag-related schema properties that have already been deprecated
  • Moved OAuth Client APIs out of beta
  • Updated the response body of ReviewOutput to optionally return serviceTokenId, omitted when approval reviewer was a member
  • Updated the response body of ReviewResponse to optionally return serviceTokenId, omitted when approval reviewer was a member
  • Updated the response body of FlagConfigApprovalRequestResponse to optionally return appliedByServiceTokenId, omitted when a member applies an approval
  • Set deprecated property on legacy users endpoints, which are replaced by contexts endpoints
    • DELETE /api/v2/users/{projectKey}/{environmentKey}/{userKey}
    • GET /api/v2/users/{projectKey}/{userKey}/expiring-user-targets/{environmentKey}
    • GET /api/v2/users/{projectKey}/{environmentKey}/{userKey}/flags
    • GET /api/v2/users/{projectKey}/{environmentKey}/{userKey}/flags/{featureFlagKey}
    • GET /api/v2/users/{projectKey}/{environmentKey}
    • GET /api/v2/users/{projectKey}/{environmentKey}/{userKey}
    • GET /api/v2/user-attributes/{projectKey}/{environmentKey}
    • GET /api/v2/user-search/{projectKey}/{environmentKey}
    • PATCH /api/v2/users/{projectKey}/{userKey}/expiring-user-targets/{environmentKey}
    • PUT /api/v2/users/{projectKey}/{environmentKey}/{userKey}/flags/{featureFlagKey}
  • Moved Approvals APIs out of beta
  • Moved Workflow APIs out of beta
  • Moved Workflow template APIs out of beta
  • Updated the response body of the Member struct to clarify that in the permissionGrants, only one of actions or actionSet is required
  • Updated type of PrimaryMetric in IterationRep
  • Updated maintainerId to be an optional parameter when creating a new experiment
  • Updated contextTargets field for flags endpoints to be required
  • Renamed metricWrapper to MetricWrapper
  • Updated type of Effect in custom roles to string
  • Added the expand query parameter for the getExperiment endpoint
    • GET /api/v2/projects/{projectKey}/environments/{environmentKey}/experiments/{experimentKey}
  • Updated description and unhid archived field on GET /api/v2/projects/{projectKey}/context-kinds and PUT /api/v2/projects/{projectKey}/context-kinds/{key}
  • Updated description for hideInTargeting field on GET /api/v2/projects/{projectKey}/context-kinds and PUT /api/v2/projects/{projectKey}/context-kinds/{key}
  • Moved Context Kind APIs out of beta
  • Updated response body of GET /api/v2/flags/{projectKey}/{flagKey}/release and PATCH /api/v2/flags/{projectKey}/{flagKey}/release to include MemberSummary and TokenSummary in each phase's completedBy field instead of having flat values.
  • Renamed activeReleases and completedReleases to activeCount and totalCount for GET /api/v2/projects/{projectKey}/release-pipelines/{pipelineKey}/releases
  • Updated the response body of FeatureFlag and FeatureFlagConfig to return migrationSettings when calling PATCH /api/v2/flags/{projectKey}/{featureFlagKey}
  • Set deprecated property on archived query param for GET /api/v2/flags/{projectKey}
  • Renamed DependentMetricRep to DependentMetricOrMetricGroupRep
  • Updated the kind field in DependentMetricOrMetricGroupRep to allow enum value funnel, used for metric groups
  • Renamed MetricWrapper to MetricInGroupRep
  • Get metric metricGroups and metricGroupCount fields are expandable, omitted by default

Bug Fixes

  • RootResponse schema was incorrect


19 Apr 22:42
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[13.0.0] - 2023-04-19




  • Moved Contexts APIs out of beta


13 Apr 14:49
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[12.1.0] - 2023-04-12


  • Added beta endpoint for server connection minutes usage
  • Added customRoles expand parameter to GET /api/v2/members
  • Added 409 return code information for reset environment keys endpoints
  • Added new beta endpoints for approvals
  • Updated response bodies for beta approval endpoints
  • Added contextKindTargeted filter parameter to GET /api/v2/flags/{projectKey}
  • Added contextKindsEvaluated filter parameter to GET /api/v2/flags/{projectKey}
  • Added evaluation expand parameter to GET /api/v2/flags/{projectKey}
  • Added evaluation expand parameter to GET /api/v2/flag-links/projects/{projectKey}/flags/{featureFlagKey}



  • Updated note for param memberId in follow flag endpoints putFlagFollowers and deleteFlagFollowers to reflect the limitation of Reader roles.
  • Updated the response body of ExpandableApprovalRequestResponse to optionally return environments instead of environment which is only used in beta APIs


28 Feb 02:16
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[12.0.0] - 2023-02-27


  • Added "Contexts (beta)" and "Context settings (beta)" categories
  • Added StopDate to ExecutionOutput object
  • Added support for sorting via query parameter in the GET /api/v2/projects/{projectKey}/flags/{featureFlagKey}/environments/{environmentKey}/workflows
  • Added beta endpoint for updating flag settings for a context
  • Added endpoints for retrieving segment membership of a non-user context and of a context instance
  • Added beta endpoint for updating individual targets on Big Segments with non-user context kind
  • Added beta endpoint for getting a list of approval requests
  • Added beta endpoint for getting a single approval request
  • Added results field to the experiment metric results response for contexts that have data slicing enabled
  • Added resourceId and approvalSettings fields to the responses for getApprovalRequest and getApprovalRequests
  • Added status query parameters to the getWorkflows beta endpoint
  • Added beta endpoint for fetching client-side monthly context instance usage
  • Added beta endpoint for fetching client-side connection minutes usage
  • Added beta endpoint for fetching experimentation units usage
  • Added beta endpoint for fetching experimentation keys usage
  • Added experimentalProperties field to experiment create post body
  • Added randomizationUnit to
    • the IterationInput object
    • the responses for getExperiment, getExperiments, and createIteration
  • Added randomizationUnits to
    • the MetricPost object
    • the responses for getMetric and getMetrics
  • Added beta endpoint for retrieving experimentation settings for a given project
  • Added beta endpoint for updating experimentation settings for a given project
  • Added beta endpoints getting experimentation keys usage



  • Updated title of getAuditLogEntries to reflect that audit logs aren't specific to feature flags
  • Updated operation ID postApprovalRequest to postApprovalRequestForFlag to reflect that it's flag specific. The title has also been updated to reflect this.
  • Updated operation ID postApprovalRequestReview to postApprovalRequestReviewForFlag to reflect that it's flag specific. The title has also been updated to reflect this.
  • Updated operation ID postApprovalRequestApplyRequest to postApprovalRequestApplyForFlag to reflect that it's flag specific. The title has also been updated to reflect this.
  • Updated operation ID deleteApprovalRequest to deleteApprovalRequestForFlag to reflect that it's flag specific. The title has also been updated to reflect this.
  • Updated to new syntax for filter query param in beta endpoint getApprovalRequests. Support for the old syntax is being dropped. See documentation for new syntax.
  • Updated type of Links in FlagConfigApprovalRequestResponse

Bug Fixes

  • Fixing postWorkflow beta endpoint
    • name is required (previously incorrectly marked as optional)
    • description is optional (previously incorrectly marked as required)


21 Nov 23:33
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[11.0.0] - 2022-11-21


  • Added beta Workflow templates endpoints
  • added structs for Flag Reuse to be expanded upon later
  • Added targetingRuleDescription to experiment iteration flag response
  • Added targetingRuleClauses to experiment iteration flag response
  • Added probabilityOfMismatch to experiment result response
  • Added archivedDate field to experiment response, omitted when experiment is not archived
  • Added archivedDate field to expanded experiment for the Get metric endpoint, omitted when experiment is not archived
  • Added lifecycleState parameter to Get experiments to query by archived and/or active experiments
  • Added _idpSynced parameter to Team object
  • Added beta endpoints for flag defaults
  • Added beta endpoint for bulk editing members
  • Added beta endpoint for bulk editing teams
  • Added MaintainerTeam in preparation for teams as flag maintainers (not yet released)
  • Add beta endpoints for Approval Requests



  • Updated beta create workflow endpoint to allow for creating a workflow from a template
  • In the Experiments endpoints, updated the existing kind field in the metric types to only include the allowed enum values (pageview, click, custom)
  • Get metric experiments field is expandable, omitted by default
  • Get metric experimentCount field is expandable, omitted by default
  • Get metric list experimentCount field is expandable, omitted by default
  • Renamed ExpiringUserTargetError to ExpiringTargetError to prepare for expiring context targets
  • New code reference repositories will set the defaultBranch to main if you do not specify a value during creation
  • In repository endpoints, gitlab is now a supported repoType
  • In the flag creation endpoint, updated endpoint to replace applicable null values with project-level flag defaults
  • Renamed getApprovals and getApproval endpoints to getApprovalsForFlag and getApprovalForFlag respectively

Bug Fixes

  • Updated OpenAPI specification to include the missing sort query param on GET /projects
  • Updated ResourceIdentifier from an empty Object to a string type
  • Updated UUID to be a string with format uuid