This application is built as required exercise for the Back End Development Certification
at freeCodeCamp.
This application is built using Javascript/Nodejs, React, Azure AD v2.0, and Azure Table Storage.
A public user can:
- Create an account using any email account
- See the list of all polls created by any user
- View a poll chart and vote
An authenticated user can do all the above and also:
- Create new polls
- Add any options to a poll
- View/edit/remove your polls
This application is deploying on HEROKU. If you are interested in deploying the application on HEROKU you need to freely sign up.
Once your account is activated you can login via the command line
heroku login
Enter your Heroku credentials.
Password: ExamplePassword2018
Once you are logged in you can create the heroku applications of both the backend and frontend sub-projects by running
heroku create --remote heroku-frontend --buildpack
heroku create --remote heroku-backend --buildpack heroku/nodejs
Once the heroku applications are created you can deploy just by running
(cd voting-app-backend && npm run heroku-deploy)
(cd voting-app-frontend && npm run heroku-deploy)