React Project Purpose To show what I have learned about JavaScript/React. This project will be a directory of Game of Thrones characters using a public Game of Thrones API.
To get started
- Clone the project to your computer
- Open a command line app (preferably Git Bash)
- Navigate to the project folder
- Run the line "npm install"
- Run the line "npm start"
This will open up a window in your default browser to localhost:3000
This Project Uses
- JavaScript (JSX)
- React
Author laurenwright
Code Louisville Project Requirments Requirements:
- Your project is responsive to different devices and/or browser sizes or screen resolutions.
- Your project is a React application implementing the React framework
- You must create at least 3 navigable routes within your app using React Router
- Your application must consume an API of your choosing. Using that API, you must complete one of the following options: Select a read-only API and implement a "rich" interface using multiple resources. You should implement/read at least 5 resources, but are encouraged to pull in many elements
- Your code has comments
- It must include a README file located at the top level directory of your project providing the following: A brief description of your project’s purpose and functionality (ex: “My Code Louisville FSJS Project. A web app designed to let users create their own To-Do lists, add items to the lists, and mark them as complete.” Try to think of what would be useful to a potential employer that is looking at your GitHub account without any context Detailed steps on how to start the application and any prerequisites to run it. For example, if your project requires using a package manager like NPM, you must include any requirements needed to run it and the steps needed to view and get started using.
- Your project code is on your GitHub account in its own repository
- Your code must be available on GitHub for review.
- You CANNOT re-use a Treehouse sample project
- Have fun! Your project should be something you're proud of, and that adequately demonstrates your base knowledge in the concepts you've learned.