Neural execution of algorithms used in Layout phase of the Overlap-Layout-Consensus genome assembly paradigm, based on MPNNs.
Overlap-Layout-Consensus is on the most common approaches to genome assembly with long reads obtained from the third-generation sequencers (mainly Oxford Nanopore and PacBio). Here we focus on one part of the Layout phase, were an assembly graph is constructed from the overlapped sequences and path needs to be found through that graph. At first, the graph is overly complicated and needs to be simplified. This is done by the initial simplification algorithms which detect and remove structures such as transitive edges, tips (dead ends), and bubbles (alternative paths between the same nodes), that are commonly foudn in the assembly graphs.
By relying on Pytorch Geometric, we construct an MPNN-based model to which would simulate the deterministic algorithms. This is a proof-of-concept work to show that graph neural networks can be used on assembly graphs.
- Python >= 3.8
- Pip >= 19.2
- gcc 4.8+ | clang 4.0+
- cmake 3.11+
- zlib 1.2.8+
First download the code:
git clone --recursive
cd NeuralLayout
Create the virtual environment:
python -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
Install the requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
If you want to use Raven for creating the graphs from raw genomic reads in FASTQ format, run the following script. If not, you can skip this part.
Basic dataset is already included in this repository. It consists of synthetic training data, synthetic testing data, and real testing data obtained from the assembly graph of lambda phage. This enables you to run two plug&play examples. For training the model on synthetic data and testing also on synthetic data, run:
python --test_path data/test_synth
For training on synthetic data and testing on real lambda phage data, run:
python --test_path data/test_real
You can also generate the training and testing data manually, by running:
python data/train/raw --training
python data/test/raw --testing
To test this model on some other reads in FASTQ format, put them into the data/reads
For example, in case you ecoli.fastq
, you should first run Raven assembler to generate graphs in CSV format,
and then create TXT files suitable for this model and save them into e.g. data/test/raw
This can be done by running the following commands:
python --from_fastq --fastq_path data/reads/ecoli.fastq --fastq_type ecoli data/csv
python --from_csv --csv_path data/csv/ecoli.csv --csv_type ecoli data/test/raw
This will first create the graph in the CSV format and save it into data/csv
directory under the name ecoli.csv
The second line will parse the ecoli.csv
file and save it in a more appropriate format into the data/test/raw
Finally, you run the training loop with default arguments data/train
for train path and data/test
for test path.
This work was performed at Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb, and Genome Institute of Singapore, A*STAR, as a part of the ARAP program. It was also partially funded by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund under the grant KK. (DATACROSS) and has been supported in part by the Croatian Science Foun- dation under the project Single genome and metagenome assembly (IP-2018-01-5886) and “Young Researchers” Career Development Program.