This code supports the paper
A. Fabrizio, A. Grisafi, B. Meyer, M. Ceriotti, and C. Corminboeuf,
“Electron density learning of non-covalent systems”
Chem. Sci. 10, 9492 (2019)
It is written to compute the density matrix of a given molecule withihn KS-DFT and project its electron density onto a pre-selected Atom-Centered Basis.
python >= 3.6
numpy >= 1.16
pyscf >= 1.6
python --mol molecule --basis=basis --auxbasis=auxbasis --func=func
Computes the density matrix of a molecule at KS-DFT level and writes the decomposition coefficients (coeff.npy), the density matrix (dm.npy) and the Overlap/Coulomb integrals (S.npy, J.npy).
- molecule:
file with molecular geometry - basis: AO basis
- auxbasis: density-fitting basis.
- func: KS-DFT functional to perform the computation.
python --mol ./Example/ --basis='cc-pvqz' --auxbasis='cc-pvqz-jkfit' --func='pbe'
python --mol ./Example/ --basis='6-31g' --auxbasis='cc-pvdz-jkfit' --func='pbe0'