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DeepKE is a knowledge extraction toolkit supporting low-resource and document-level scenarios for entity, relation and attribution extraction. It allows developers and researchers to customize datasets and models to extract information from unstructured texts.
- We have added
to create the enviroment automatically.
- The demo of DeepKE, supporting real-time extration without deploying and training, has been released.
- The documentation of DeepKE, containing the details of DeepKE such as source codes and datasets, has been released.
pip install deepke
- The codes of deepke-v2.0 have been released.
pip install deepke
- The codes of deepke-v1.0 have been released.
There is a demonstration of prediction.
- DeepKE contains a unified framework for named entity recognition, relation extraction and attribute extraction, the three knowledge extraction functions.
- Each task can be implemented in different scenarios. For example, we can achieve relation extraction in standard, low-resource (few-shot) and document-level settings.
- Each application scenario comprises of three components: Data including Tokenizer, Preprocessor and Loader, Model including Module, Encoder and Forwarder, Core including Training, Evaluation and Prediction.
DeepKE is supported pip install deepke
. Take the fully supervised relation extraction for example.
(Please star✨ and fork 📝 !!!)
Step1 Download the basic codes
git clone https://github.com/zjunlp/DeepKE.git
Step2 Create a virtual environment using Anaconda
and enter it.
We also provide dockerfile source code, you can create your own image, which is located in the docker
conda create -n deepke python=3.8
conda activate deepke
Install DeepKE with source codes
python setup.py install python setup.py develop
Install DeepKE with
pip install deepke
Step3 Enter the task directory
cd DeepKE/example/re/standard
Step4 Download the dataset
tar -xzvf data.tar.gz
Step5 Training (Parameters for training can be changed in the conf
We support visual parameter tuning using wandb
python run.py
Step6 Prediction (Parameters for prediction can be changed in the conf
python predict.py
python == 3.8
- torch == 1.5
- hydra-core == 1.0.6
- tensorboard == 2.4.1
- matplotlib == 3.4.1
- transformers == 3.4.0
- jieba == 0.42.1
- scikit-learn == 0.24.1
- pytorch-transformers == 1.2.0
- seqeval == 1.2.2
- tqdm == 4.60.0
- opt-einsum==3.3.0
- wandb==0.12.7
- ujson
Named entity recognition seeks to locate and classify named entities mentioned in unstructured text into pre-defined categories such as person names, organizations, locations, organizations, etc.
The data is stored in
files. Some instances as following:Sentence Person Location Organization 本报北京9月4日讯记者杨涌报道:部分省区人民日报宣传发行工作座谈会9月3日在4日在京举行。 杨涌 北京 人民日报 《红楼梦》是中央电视台和中国电视剧制作中心根据中国古典文学名著《红楼梦》摄制于1987年的一部古装连续剧,由王扶林导演,周汝昌、王蒙、周岭等多位红学家参与制作。 王扶林,周汝昌,王蒙,周岭 中国 中央电视台,中国电视剧制作中心 秦始皇兵马俑位于陕西省西安市,1961年被国务院公布为第一批全国重点文物保护单位,是世界八大奇迹之一。 秦始皇 陕西省,西安市 国务院 -
Read the detailed process in specific README
Step1 Enter
. Download the dataset.wget tar -xzvf data.tar.gz
Step2 Training
The dataset and parameters can be customized in the
folder andconf
folder respectively.python run.py
Step3 Prediction
python predict.py
Step1 Enter
. Download the dataset.wget tar -xzvf data.tar.gz
Step2 Training in the low-resouce setting
The directory where the model is loaded and saved and the configuration parameters can be cusomized in the
folder.python run.py +train=few_shot
Users can modify
to use existing loaded model.Step3 Add
- predict
, modifyloda_path
as the model path andwrite_path
as the path where the predicted results are saved inconf/predict.yaml
, and then runpython predict.py
python predict.py
Relationship extraction is the task of extracting semantic relations between entities from a unstructured text.
The data is stored in
files. Some instances as following:Sentence Relation Head Head_offset Tail Tail_offset 《岳父也是爹》是王军执导的电视剧,由马恩然、范明主演。 导演 岳父也是爹 1 王军 8 《九玄珠》是在纵横中文网连载的一部小说,作者是龙马。 连载网站 九玄珠 1 纵横中文网 7 提起杭州的美景,西湖总是第一个映入脑海的词语。 所在城市 西湖 8 杭州 2 -
Read the detailed process in specific README
Step1 Enter the
folder. Download the dataset.wget tar -xzvf data.tar.gz
Step2 Training
The dataset and parameters can be customized in the
folder andconf
folder respectively.python run.py
Step3 Prediction
python predict.py
Step1 Enter
. Download the dataset.wget tar -xzvf data.tar.gz
Step 2 Training
- The dataset and parameters can be customized in the
folder andconf
folder respectively. - Start with the model trained last time: modify
as the path where the model trained last time was saved. And the path saving logs generated in training can be customized bylog_dir
python run.py
Step3 Prediction
python predict.py
- The dataset and parameters can be customized in the
Step1 Enter
. Download the dataset.wget tar -xzvf data.tar.gz
Step2 Training
- The dataset and parameters can be customized in the
folder andconf
folder respectively. - Start with the model trained last time: modify
as the path where the model trained last time was saved. And the path saving logs generated in training can be customized bylog_dir
python run.py
Step3 Prediction
python predict.py
- The dataset and parameters can be customized in the
Attribute extraction is to extract attributes for entities in a unstructed text.
The data is stored in
files. Some instances as following:Sentence Att Ent Ent_offset Val Val_offset 张冬梅,女,汉族,1968年2月生,河南淇县人 民族 张冬梅 0 汉族 6 杨缨,字绵公,号钓溪,松溪县人,祖籍将乐,是北宋理学家杨时的七世孙 朝代 杨缨 0 北宋 22 2014年10月1日许鞍华执导的电影《黄金时代》上映 上映时间 黄金时代 19 2014年10月1日 0 -
Read the detailed process in specific README
Step1 Enter the
folder. Download the dataset.wget tar -xzvf data.tar.gz
Step2 Training
The dataset and parameters can be customized in the
folder andconf
folder respectively.python run.py
Step3 Prediction
python predict.py
This toolkit provides many Jupyter Notebook
and Google Colab
tutorials. Users can study DeepKE with them.
Standard Setting
- Using nearest mirror, like THU in China, will speed up the installation of Anaconda.
- Using nearest mirror, like aliyun in China, will speed up
pip install XXX
. - When encountering
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'past'
,runpip install future
. - It's slow to install the pretrained language models online. Recommend download pretrained models before use and save them in the
folder. ReadREADME.md
in every task directory to check the specific requirement for saving pretrained models. - The old version of DeepKE is in the deepke-v1.0 branch. Users can change the branch to use the old version. The old version has been totally transfered to the standard relation extraction (example/re/standard).
- It's recommended to install DeepKE with source codes. Because user may meet some problems in Windows system with 'pip'.
In next version, we plan to add multi-modality knowledge extraction to the toolkit.
Meanwhile, we will offer long-term maintenance to fix bugs, solve issues and meet new requests. So if you have any problems, please put issues to us.
Zhejiang University: Ningyu Zhang, Liankuan Tao, Haiyang Yu, Xiang Chen, Xin Xu, Xi Tian, Lei Li, Zhoubo Li, Shumin Deng, Yunzhi Yao, Hongbin Ye, Xin Xie, Guozhou Zheng, Huajun Chen
DAMO Academy: Chuanqi Tan, Fei Huang