Final Project for CS4100
columns : labeled A-I
rows : labeled 1 to 10
grid : the cross product of columns and rows, stores the labels for each cell in grid. e.g "A1"
gridValues : stores the domains for each cell in the grid e.g A1: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
initialize: puts in full domains for a grid
placeHints: puts hints in their respective cells, all other cells have full domains
getRow: list of cells in a row
checkRow: check if a row already contains a digit
getColumn: list of cells in a column
checkColumn: check if a column already contains a digit
getBox: get a 3x3 block of cells(a predefined box) containing a specific cell
checkBox: check if a digit is contained in a box
getThreatenedAreas: get all cells whose domains need to be changed given a cell that has been changed
removeDigit: remove a digit from the domain of threatened cells
setValue: set the final value of a cell to the given digit
setValueAndRemoveDigit: set the value of a cell and remove that digit from the threatened cells' domain
initialize: place hints in exactly 9 cells
initialize: place hints in exactly 5 cells
initialize: place hints in exactly 3 cells
grid: a pre-created grid using the grid class
giveSolution: gives a mapping of cell label to the final value of the cell for the whole grid
search: runs the search algorithm