42 Algorithm project
This project is about getting through an unweighted graph with N ants with these constraints:
- there can't be 2 ants on the same node at the same time (except for the starting/ending node)
- ants must take as few turns as possible to all get to the end
Maps are text files describing this structure:
room1 X1 Y1
room2 X2 Y2
room3 X3 Y3
room4 X4 Y4
- N describes the number of ants
- room1 is the starting room
- room4 is the ending room
- The links between rooms are the hyphen lines ("-")
The result of the program is the repeat of the map on standard output, followed by the progress of ants at each turn in this format:
L1-room3 L2-room2
where LN describes the number of the ant, going toward its next room
A program called lem-in_visu should be piped directly to the output of the program and provides a graphic interface to show the progress of the ants
- ./lem-in < mapAsFileName
- ./lem-in < mapAsFileName | ./lem-in_visu