Inspired from Vector XCP driver sample code ( to verify Vector CANape getting measurememts from STM32F767ZIT
CANape device will be set as XCP on ethernet and measures settings will come from ASAP2/nucleo_xcp_slave.a2l file.
We implemented 2 mesures: the blue button pressed state and the proc temperature:
cmake -S . -B build cmake --build build
Then use STM32CubeProgrammer to push stm32-vector-xcp-slave.elf to STM device
- printf are redirected to USART3 (main.c)
- Use Serial Monitor VSCode Extension (baud rate 9600) to display logs (much better than minicom!)
- Build on Linux only (no Widows Support)
- NUCLEO-F767ZI-144 only (
- STM32CubeMX project generator in cmake mode (
- STM32 IP address is obtained using LWIP DHCP, therefore Vector CANape need to be updated when address changes