This repository contains a list of CAE related repositories.
Libraries mainly meant for preprocessing of data before simulation
- abapy - Abaqus Python “AbaPy” contains tools to build, postprocess and plot automatic finite element simulations using Abaqus.
- NK-FEMeshUtils - Python implementation for handling of FE Mesh data from LS-DYNA and RADIOSS.
- AbqParse - A simple parser for Abaqus input files that parses out the keywords, parameters, and data lines.
- abaqus2dyna - abaqus2dyna is a script to convert, in a limited fashion, Abaqus keyword inputfiles to LS-DYNA keyword input files.
- pycalculix - pycalculix is a Python 3 library to automate and build finite element analysis (FEA) models in Calculix.
- pyDOE - library for creating design of experiments studies
- SU2 - SU2 is a C++ suite of tools for the numerical solution of partial differential equations (PDE) and performing PDE constrained optimization, primary for CFD.
- OpenFoam - Open Source CFD solver
- jobwatch - Abaqus Job Status Plotter
This section contains software regarding postprocessing
- qd - CAE python library for reading binary LS-DYNA result files and some other smaller CAE related utilities.
- Codie-D3plot - Now deprecated and integrated in qd-python. Reading of binary D3plot from LS-DYNA with femzip support.
- matlab-lsdyna - Reader of ascii results files from the Finite Element solver LS-DYNA, and a wrapper to run LS-DYNA simulations programmatically from MATLAB.
- postPro4Abq - Python scripts to read and process an odb file.
- ParaView - ParaView is an open-source, multi-platform data analysis and visualization application based on Visualization Toolkit (VTK).
- abaqusPython - A collection of frequently used abaqus scripts and other useful gems!
Tools for doing optimization.
- opti4Abq - An optimisation method for python2 and ABAQUS.
Here you can find editors or plugins for editors.
- vim-lsdyna - vim-plugin for LS-DYNA input files.
- vim-lexer-lsdyna - LS-DYNA keyword input file lexer for vim.
- vim-abaqus - vim-plugin for ABAQUS input files.
- vim-radioss - vim-plugin for RADIOSS input files.
- language-abaqus package - ABAQUS language highlighting in the editor ATOM.
Projects related to documentation
- LS-DYNA-Sublime - Sublime Text syntax highlighting for the LS-DYNA finite element software.
- Abaqus-Sublime - Sublime Text syntax highlighting for the Abaqus finite element software.
- Abaqus-Documentation-Scraper - Python script to extract keywords, parameters, and parameter values from the Abaqus HTML documentation.