Hello world 👋! This is the first Full-stack project ( MongoDB, ExpressJS, NodeJS) created during Ironhack web dev bootcamp. It's a multi-pages web app to trade your unwanted gifts, with CRUD (Create, read, update and delete) system. Take a look, and start exchanging gifts with our community, and become part of the Upcycling movement ! ♻♻️♻️
You can use these credentials, but you are more than welcome to create an account :
- USER 1 e-mail => demo@mail.com password => Demonstration1
- USER 2 email => test@mail.com password => TestTest1
- PUBLIC : access to gift's category, picture, name and brand.
- LOGGED-IN : see gift's description, owner's name/city/ZIP.
- User can CRUD gift (update and delete under conditions).
- User can CREATE a trade by sending an offer, UPDATE received offer's status, READ sent offer and received offer.