To getting started you must copy dev.env
to .env
Run first docker mysql and change security password method.
- Run docker mysql container.
docker compose up -d mysql
- Edit mysql password method.
ALTER USER 'strapi'@'%' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'strapi';
And finally run all the containers.
docker compose up -d web core
The program expose ports 3000 for Remix and Strapi 1337
- Connect to core container
docker compose exec core bash
- Then, use strapi export command and set a security password
yarn strapi export
- Copy the export file into the server.
docker compose cp core:/app/export_<date>.tar.gz.enc .
- Copy remotetly the backup to your machine
scp root@<server-ip>://root/leads1llc/export_<date>.tar.gz.enc .
- You should copy the backup using mv the backup to packages/core is the same that used
docker cp
mv export_<date>.tar.gz.enc packages/core/
- Import the backup
yarn strapi import -f export_<date>.tar.gz.enc