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= Leafnode's dot-files


In setup:

  • download ohmyzsh
  • download ohmyzsh custom themes (powerline9k) and plugins (fzf-z, zsh-autosuggestions)
  • link ohmyzsh zshrc file
  • fix backspace in vim with iTerm2's easy keybindings
  • install iTerm2 shell integration (maybe on choice)
  • use Ansible to install software
  • use templating for places like email account for Git config


  • update README


Configuration files in this repository are the effect of many hours of research, googling and copy&paste.

Currently files for this software are included:

  • screen
  • zsh
  • vim

As this repository is being use as a bootstrap for my new accounts on Linux machines, I included installation script to hook this repository with account.

== Installation guide

  1. git clone .dot-files-repo
  2. cd .dot-files-repo
  3. ./

This will download scripts and create symlinks for all files. There are some issues with color files, but that's something different.

== ZSH features

  • TBD
  • 'private' settings, that are not to be overwritten/visible on github are included from .zsh_priv

== screen features

  • bottom status bar in few variants
  • replace screen with tmux?

== ViM features

=== Included plugins

  • NERDTree - file manager
  • NERDCommenter - comment-out code easily
  • FuzzyFinder - open/goto files and resources easily using wildcards
  • Ack - search for patterns in a directory
  • gist - post gists directly from ViM
  • scratch - scratch pad
  • snipMate - TextMate-like snippets
  • supertab - tab-completion in insert mode
  • surround - surround text with tags/quotes/parenthese
  • vcscommand - integration with all popular version control systems
  • searchfold - navigate through folds
  • syntastic - syntax checking for many languates
  • taglist - code outliner
  • markdown - markdown file syntax
  • sparkup - write HTML code easier
  • javascript - javascript syntax
  • runthisprog (authorship unknown; it might have been be written by me, but I'm not sure)
  • scss-syntax.vim - scss syntax

= Packages to be installed

  • zsh syntax highlighting
  • zsh autosuggestions
  • fasd
  • fuzzy finder
  • for zsh+ohmyzsh - powerline9k theme

= To do

  • create Rake-style installation script, like in Janus
  • deal with issue in vim colors (and/or include color-sampler plugin)
  • describe all neat features provided by vim plugins, possibly with all key mappings (this is quite important for me too, as I just added many new plugins and I need a central point of reference)