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📝 Description

NC News API is a RESTful API built using Javascript, Node.js, PostgreSQL and Express.js. It has been designed to provide the functionality behind and interactive web application, which will serve as a Reddit-style news aggregation and comments board.

The API is hosted via Render and can be viewed here.

End Points

  • GET users can access all topics, articles and comments.
  • POST users can post a comment on article.
  • DELETE users can delete their own comments.
  • PATCH users can up-vote or down-vote on an article.

⌨️ Getting Started

In order to run this project locally, the following must be installed on your machine:

  • Node.js v19.6.1 - Node Package Manager (npm)
  • PostgreSQL v12.12
  • git (and a Github account)
  1. Fork this repository.
  2. Via your terminal, navigate to your desired directory or create a new directory using mkdir <project-name>.
  3. Clone your forked version of the repository to your local machine using the command git clone <repo-url>.
  4. Naviagte into your new directory using cd <project-name> and open it with your chosen software, e.g. using the command code . to open it in VSCode.
  5. In your terminal, run npm install to install the required dependencies.

💻 Run Locally

  1. You will need to create 2 .env files in the main directory, with the following names and contents to connect the databases:
  • .env.development - this file should contain PGDATABASE=nc_news
  • .env.test - this file should containe PGDATABASE=nc_news_test
  1. Run the following commands in your terminal to seed the local database:
  • npm run setup-dbs
  • npm run seed
  1. Start the server using npm start. You can make requests using your browser or install an application such as Insomnia.

  2. Run the tests using the command npm test.

Happy hacking!


Back end for NewsBank project






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