An R package implementing the Bayesian Detection of Clusters and Discontinuities. You can find a use case and other references at:
Costa, M. A., Mineti, L. B., Mayrink, V. D., & Lopes, A. L. M. (2018). Bayesian detection of clusters in efficiency score maps: an application to Brazilian energy regulation. Applied Mathematical Modelling.
If you are a Windows user, make sure you have Rtools installed.
data("aneeldata", package = "gbdcd")
data("aneelshape", package = "gbdcd")
target_variable <- aneelshape$z_Precipitation
neighbors <- aneeldata$connections
out <- gbdcd(y = target_variable,
neigh = neighbors,
c = 0.35,
n_iterations = 100000,
burn_in = 50000,
mu0 = 0,
sigma0 = sqrt(2))
From the results obtained in the previous function we can look at many variables like: posterior distribution, proximity dendogram and the map regionalization.
barplot(table(out$k.MCMC)/sum(table(out$k.MCMC)), col="light blue",
xlab="number of groups", ylab="estimated probability")
barplot(table(out$k.MCMC)/sum(table(out$k.MCMC)), add=T, col="light blue")
n_cluster <- as.numeric(names(which.max(table(out$k.MCMC))))
plot(out$, ylab="d(i~j)", main="Proximity Dendrogram", xlab="",
labels=aneelshape$DMU, cex=0.6)
groups <- cutree(out$, k = n_cluster)
rect.hclust(out$, k=n_cluster, border="red")
colrs <- brewer.pal(n_cluster, "Set3")
par(mfrow = c(1,2))
plot(aneelshape, col=colrs[groups])
boxplot(aneelshape$z_Precipitation ~ groups, col=colrs,
ylab="Precipitation", xlab="Geographical clusters")