Learning.EventStore is a framework for CQRS, Eventsourcing, and messaging based on CQRSLite. It uses Redis pub/sub for messaging and offers event persistence in Redis, SQL Server, or PostgreSQL. It is written in C# and targets .NET 4.5.2, .NET 4.6.1, and .NET Standard 2.0. It is developed and maintained by Learning.com and is currently being used in production there.
- Message publishing with Redis Pub/Sub and an implementation of the Redis reliable queue pattern
- Eventsourcing with full support for event persistence, replay, and snapshotting
- Event persistence options including Redis, SQL Server, and PostgreSQL out of the box and extensibility points for custom persistence implementations
- Optimistic concurrency checking
- CQRS (Command Query Responsibility Segregation) framework
- Dead letter queue and retry support
- Optional distributed locking to maintain message order in multi-host environments
There are three separate libraries included in this repository. All three are available as Nuget packages and can be installed from there.
- Learning.Cqrs
- This package provides CQRS functionality, it is not dependent on the others, nor are the others dependent on it
- Package Manager -
Install-Package Learning.Cqrs
- .NET CLI -
dotnet add package Learning.Cqrs
- Learning.MessageQueue
- This is provided as a separate package in case you only want messaging capability without event persistence
- Package Manager -
Install-Package Learning.MessageQueue
- .NET CLI -
dotnet add package Learning.MessageQueue
- Learning.EventStore
- This will also install Learning.MessageQueue as a dependency
- Package Manager -
Install-Package Learning.EventStore
- .NET CLI -
dotnet add package Learning.EventStore
In addition to the documentation below, this repository also contains a sample application to help you get started.
The examples below are using the built-in ASP.NET Core dependency injection framework. Other DI frameworks should be similar.
In your startup.cs file add the following in the ConfigureServices method replacing the host and port with your Redis host and port. The example assumes localhost with port 6379:
// Configure Redis connection
var redisConfigOptions = ConfigurationOptions.Parse("");
redisConfigOptions.AbortOnConnectFail = false;
* For production environments it is recommended that you turn on persistence features in Redis to preserve your message queues in the event that Redis crashes or is restarted.
To configure the message queue, add the following in your startup.cs file in the ConfigureServices method
// Configure message queue services
var applicationName = "Some.Unique.Name.For.Your.App";
services.AddSingleton<IRedisClient>(y => new RedisClient(y.GetService<Lazy<IConnectionMultiplexer>>()));
services.AddSingleton<IEventSubscriber>(y => new RedisEventSubscriber(y.GetService<IRedisClient>(), applicationName, y.GetService<IHostingEnvironment>().EnvironmentName, y.GetService<ILoggerFactory>()));
services.AddSingleton<IMessageQueue>(y => new RedisMessageQueue(y.GetService<IRedisClient>(), keyPrefix, y.GetService<IHostingEnvironment>().EnvironmentName));
To configure event persistence with Redis, in addition to the above message queue and Redis configuration, add the following to the ConfigureServices method in startup.cs
// Configure event store services
var eventStoreSettings = new RedisEventStoreSettings
ApplicationName = applicationName,
EnableCompression = false //set this to true to enable gzip compression of event data to save memory in Redis
services.AddScoped<ISession, Session>();
services.AddSingleton<IEventStore>(y => new RedisEventStore(y.GetService<IRedisClient>(), eventStoreSettings, y.GetService<IMessageQueue>()));
services.AddSingleton<ICache, MemoryCache>();
services.AddScoped<IRepository>(y => new Repository(y.GetService<IEventStore>()));
* For production environments it is required that you turn on persistence features in Redis if you are using it to store event data as in the above example. Otherwise your data will be lost if Redis crashes or is restarted
Learning.EventStore implements the concept of an aggregates as defined in Domain Driven Design. The aggregates in your application are objects that describe a business concept in your domain and how various events act on it to bring it to its current state. Therefore, it is important to think about the aggregates in your domain and the events that act on them up front. The sample application included in this repository is a simple "inventory management" system and serves as a good starting point for illustrating this concept.
To begin, create a class that describes an event in your domain and that implements the IEvent interface. These are simple POCOs that just include properties for the data that will be included in your event and stored in the Event Store.
public class InventoryItemCreated : IEvent
public string Id { get; set; }
public DateTimeOffset TimeStamp { get; set; }
public int Version { get; set; }
public string AggregateType { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
And here is another that describes the quantity of an item being increased
public class ItemsCheckedInToInventory : IEvent
public string Id { get; set; }
public DateTimeOffset TimeStamp { get; set; }
public int Version { get; set; }
public string AggregateType { get; set; }
public int Count { get; set; }
Aggregates are the fundamental construct in Learning.EventStore. They describe a particular business entity and how events act on it to modify it's state over time. To create an aggregate, simply create a class that inherits from AggregateRoot and contains properties that describe it. For example, here is a stub of the InventoryItem class from the sample application.
public class InventoryItem : AggregateRoot
public string Name { get; set; }
public int Count { get; set; }
public InventoryItem()
* Note - explicitly defining the empty constructor is necessary so the framework can properly create an instance of the class when it's loaded from the event store.
Next, create methods in your aggregate class that apply events and change the state of the aggregate
public InventoryItem(string id, string name)
Id = id;
ApplyChange(new InventoryItemCreated
Id = id,
Name = name
public void CheckIn(int count)
if (count <= 0) throw new InvalidOperationException("must have a count greater than 0 to add to inventory");
ApplyChange(new ItemsCheckedInToInventory
Id = Id,
Count = count
public void Apply(InventoryItemCreated @event)
Name = @event.Name;
public void Apply(ItemsCheckedInToInventory @event)
Count += @event.Count;
The Apply
methods above are called when the aggregate is loaded from the event store. Using reflection, the framework finds the appropriate Apply
method to call as it replays the events from the event store, changing the state of the object in order until it gets to the current state.
To initially create and save your aggregate in the event store, use the Session
class. A Session
allows you to store multiple changes to an aggregate in memory before committing them to the persistent event store all at once.
public class CreateInventoryItemHandler
private readonly ISession _session;
public CreateInventoryItemHandler(ISession session)
_session = session;
public async Task Handle(CreateInventoryItem message)
var inventoryItem = new InventoryItem(Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), message.Name);
await _session.CommitAsync();
To make a change to an existing aggregate, first load the aggregate from the event store using the GetAsync
method and passing the AggregateId. This will load all of the events from the event store, create an instance of your aggregate class, and apply the events in order to bring the aggregate to it's current state. Next, call the appropriate methods on your aggregate to change it's state, and finally commit the aggregate to the event store.
public class CheckInItemsToInventoryHandler
private readonly ISession _session;
public CheckInItemsToInventoryHandler(ISession session)
_session = session;
public async Task Handle(CheckInItemsToInventory message)
var item = await _session.GetAsync<InventoryItem>(message.Id);
await _session.CommitAsync();
Once you call the CommitAsync
method on a session, all changes will be stored to the event store and messages will be published to the Redis message queue describing the changes.
To create a subscription to an event, begin by creating a class that implements the ISubscription
interface. Then, inject an instance of RedisEventSubscriber
into this class. Finally, you will create an anonymous callback function that describes the processing you want to occur on the event and pass this function to the SubscribeAsync
method on RedisEventSubscriber
. This callback can contain any processing you want, but is typically used to write the data to a read projection in an RDBMS for example. Subscriptions can be in a completely separate service or app, the service only needs to be connected to the same Redis server as the publisher.
public class InventoryItemCreatedSubscription : ISubscription
private readonly IEventSubscriber _subscriber;
public InventoryItemCreatedSubscription(IEventSubscriber subscriber, ILogger logger)
_subscriber = subscriber;
public async Task SubscribeAsync()
void CallBack(InventoryItemCreated data)
var inventoryItem = new InventoryItemDetails(data.Id, data.Name, 0, data.Version);
InMemoryDatabase.Details.Add(data.Id, inventoryItem);
await _subscriber.SubscribeAsync((Action<InventoryItemCreated>)CallBack);
Sometimes you just want to publish messages without persisting events as an alternative communication pattern between microservices for example. Learning.MessageQueue can be used by itself to achieve this.
First, create a class that implements the IMessage
interface and contains properties for the data you want contained in your message
public class MyMessage : IMessage
public string Id { get; set; } = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
public DateTimeOffset TimeStamp { get; set; } = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow;
public string Data { get; set; }
To publish your message use the MessageQueue
public class MyMessagePublisher
private readonly IMessageQueue _messageQueue
public MyMessagePublisher(IMessageQueue messageQueue)
_messageQueue = messageQueue
public async Task Publish(string data)
var message = new MyMessage { Data = data };
await _messageQueue.PublishAsync(message);
You can subscribe to messages using ISubscription
and RedisMessageSubscriber
as described in "Subscribing to Events" section above.
Here are a couple of blog posts about the philosophy behind this library and our experience using it in production at Learning.com
- Scalable Microservices with Event Sourcing and Redis
- A Year with Redis Event Sourcing — Lessons Learned
Contributions are always welcome!
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- Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
- Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
- Create new Pull Request