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How to Begin a MVC Ruby on Rails project

Creating a Model

  • rails g model
  • rails g scaffold ClassName attr_1:datatype attr_2:datatype
    • eg rails g scaffold Entry meal_type:string calories:integer proteins:integer carbs:integer fats:integer
  • created_at & updated_at column is created automatically+
    • after creating the scaffold, there is a migration file in db/migrate which needs to be dealt with
      • using rails db:migrate will create the table

Finding Routes on the Rails server

Installing Dependencies

  • Use "bundle add name" or add to the "Gemfile" like a package json
  • just call "bundle" to do like a "npm install"

Initializing Routes

  • Inside of the config/routes.rb
    • root to: "entries#index"
    • will route to the entries controller's index action
      • app/controllers/entries_controller.rb

Activating Bulma CSS Framework

Partial Templates

  • name file starting with _ like "_header.html.erb"
    • then use <%= render "shared/header" %> to render it out in html


  • <%= link_to "Create a New Entry", new_entry_path, class: "button is-success" %>
    • link_to "Words to show", rails path, class: "classname"


  • Added this time_format.rb in config/initializers
    • provides a new function upon app startup

Book keeping of params

  • use <%= params %> to show the params of that page, such as what controller, view and ID are active