This is a Pi-based robot to implement visual recognition(by YOLO). The YOLO-Powered vision can recognize many objects such as people, car, bus, fruits, and so on.
Hardware: Raspberry-Pi2, Sony PS3 Eye Camera
(Available to use Logitech C270 USB camera with Raspberry Pi)
Software: YOLO(v2), Jupyter-Notebook
I was so interested in performance of the image recognition with YOLO-2 on Raspberry Pi. In addition, the Jupyter notebook is really convenient to instantly code as a quick prototype. According to paper, I realised that YOLO is a fast, accurate visual detector, making it ideal for computer vision system. We connect YOLO to a webcam and verify that it maintains real-time performance. So, the Raspberry pi's processing speed is very slow compare to my laptop.
(Picasso Dataset precision-recall curves: paper)
- Jupyter-Notebook: How To Install Jupyter-Notebook on Raspberry Pi
This post will guide you through detecting objects with the YOLO system using a pre-trained model. If you don't already have Darknet installed, you should install OpenCV2 before on your Raspberry Pi.
- Install dependencies for OpenCV2
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install build-essential
sudo apt-get install cmake git libgtk2.0-dev pkg-config libavcodec-dev libavformat-dev libswscale-dev python-dev python-numpy libjpeg-dev libpng-dev libtiff-dev libjasper-dev
sudo apt-get install python-opencv
- Check which version of OpenCV you have in Python
import cv2
- Install the darknet for YOLO
git clone
cd darknet
You already have the config file for YOLO in the cfg/ subdirectory. You will have to download the pre-trained weight file here (258 MB). Or just run this:
Then run the detector to test.
./darknet detect cfg/yolo.cfg yolo.weights data/dog.jpg
You will see some output like this:
layer filters size input output
0 conv 32 3 x 3 / 1 416 x 416 x 3 -> 416 x 416 x 32
1 max 2 x 2 / 2 416 x 416 x 32 -> 208 x 208 x 32
29 conv 425 1 x 1 / 1 13 x 13 x1024 -> 13 x 13 x 425
30 detection
Loading weights from yolo.weights...Done!
data/dog.jpg: Predicted in 0.016287 seconds.
car: 54%
bicycle: 51%
dog: 56%
- Re-name from 'darknet' to 'YOLO-Powered_Robot_Vision'.
mv /home/pi/Documents/darknet /home/pi/Documents/YOLO-Powered_Robot_Vision
cd /home/pi/Documents/YOLO-Powered_Robot_Vision
- Download 'YOLO-Powered_Robot_Vision.ipynb' at /home/pi/Documents/YOLO-Powered_Robot_Vision
(Caution!!: I have used the image sources for an educational purpose. Please don't use any pictures in copyright. So, I am not responsible for any images you use.)