The official C++ Weekly Repository. Code samples and notes of future / past episodes will land here at various times. PR's will be accepted in some cases.
Repositories related to C++ Weekly
- C++ Best Practices: forkable coding standards document
- C++ Weekly Videos: Official database of C++ Weekly YouTube videos that have been published
- C++ Starter Project: A quick-start C++ project with All The Things you need for C++/CMake/Conan and tooling!
- C++ Weekly Game Project: The ongoing game project being developed on C++ Weekly.
- See the playlist for the development of this project.
- What IDE are you using?
- Compiler Explorer (
- CLion (
- NeoVIM (
- What theme is that?
- Probably gruvbox
- What are your NeoVIM settings?
- What font do you use?
- Monospaced - Source Code Pro
- Variable Width - Source Sans Pro
- Both available on github: