The project base structure in its first level is:
- game1/
- game2/
- game3/
Each directory contains at least this folders. Examples of the contents are provided:
Standard Assets/
- Scenes/
- scene1.scene
- scene2.scene
- scene3.scene
- Sounds/
- CharacterX/
- characterxSalute.ogg
- CharacterxJump.ogg
- Scene1/
- Scene1Puzzle/
- puzzleWrong.ogg
- puzzleRight.ogg
- scene1Background.ogg
- scene1Event1Start.ogg
- Scene1Puzzle/
- CharacterX/
- Graphics/
- Animations/
- CharacterX/
- characterx.right.anim
- characterx.left.anim
- SFX/
- firewall.anim
- ultrahack.anim
- CharacterX/
- CharacterX/
- characterxSpritesheet.png
- CharacterxEquip.png
- Structures/
- box.png
- futuristicSpritesheet.png
- Scene1/
- Scene1Puzzle/
- puzzlePieces.png
- puzzleMasks.png
- scene1Background.png
- scene1Character1.png
- Scene1Puzzle/
- Animations/
- Prefabs/
- Prefab1.prefab
- Prefab2.prefab
- Scripts/
- CharacterX/
- characterController.cs
- otherScript.cs
- CharacterX/
- Scenes/
This repository works with Pull Request. Adress it to sam-ji.
The naming convention for folders and files is shown in the Project Structure section.
For coding, camelCase is must in most cases. Start a discussion for exceptions to that rule