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Sayantan Paul edited this page Jun 28, 2024 · 1 revision

This feature uses the in-built "Simulate secondary displays" feature of android to create a pip-like window, and sends the current app to the secondary window.


Pip does not work well if you have screen recording or something similar enabled.

How to use

Once you tap the "UniversalPip" menu, A new notification similar to below should arrive. UniversalPip-Notification

This notification can be used to enable pip mode on any app. To get started, launch an app, or play your video. This demo will be using YouTube, without Premium.


Enabling Pip :

Once you have the app opened, tap on the notification and make sure the notification drawer is closed. in seconds, Shizutools will create a new window and send the running app into the virtual window.

Controls :

As the app is running inside a virtual display device, sending direct inputs to the app will not be straightforward. Instead, tapping on the notification when pip is active brings up a menu with some common media controls, at the bottom of your primary screen. It also includes a "skip-ad" and a "fullscreen" button. The "skip-ad" button should allow you to, well.. skip ads on youtube when applicable.

Disabling Pip :

On the controls menu, the "fullscreen" button disables pip mode and restores the app back to original display.

if you can not access the fullscreen button, you can open dev options, go to "Simulate Secondary Displays" menu

  1. change the current value to something else
  2. Reset the value to None

The above mentioned process also disables the pip on screen.

Also, disabling pip via adb -

adb shell settings put global overlay_display_devices null
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