Helper functions to initialize LeifHomieLib together with LeifESPBase to form a homie-capable ESP8266 or ESP32-based device
It is designed for use by programmers.
For example, SSID, Key, host name, MQTT credentials are hardcoded and not settable from any user interface. These and other things were conscious design decisions that reduce code complexity and resource requirements.
It's designed to help in the construction of purpose-built specialty devices. It is not designed to build user-configurable devices.
Enter your WiFi SSID/key to LeifESPBase\environment_setup.h
Enter your MQTT credentials to LeifESPBaseHomie\environment_setup.h
LeifESPBase LeifHomieLib PangolinMQTT
ArduinoOTA ESP32 ESPmDNS FS Update WebServer WiFi
ArduinoOTA ESP8266mDNS ESP8266-ping ESP8266WebServer ESP8266WiFi ESPAsyncTCP