A nvim-fzf plugin that provides:
- ctags symbol
- gtags
- find files
- rg search
- lsp definitino/references
- mru
- vim: help, command history, filetypes
- man
- buffers
- git commit
- neovim >= 0.9
- flatten.nvim (open files in joshuto)
FzfCommand --files
FzfCommand --lines
FzfCommand --ctags
FzfCommand --buffers
FzfCommand --man
FzfCommand --commit " support preview and open commit in diffview.nvim
" vim
FzfCommand --vim help
FzfCommand --vim cmdHists
FzfCommand --vim filetypes
" gtags
FzfCommand --gtags -d {word} " definition
FzfCommand --gtags -r {word} " references
FzfCommand --gtags --update
" rg
FzfCommand --rg --all-buffers {word}
FzfCommand --rg {word} [path]
FzfCommand --live_grep [path]
" Lsp provide default jump action, if there is only one result.
" If there are multiple results, it will first display the results in fzf.
FzfCommand --lsp jump_def edit
FzfCommand --lsp jump_def tab drop
FzfCommand --lsp jump_def vsplit
FzfCommand --lsp ref tab drop
FzfCommand --lsp workspace_symbol
FzfCommand --lsp document_symbol
" mru
FzfCommand --mru
prefer using document_symbol
vim.keymap.set("n", "<C-r>", function()
local bufnr = vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf()
local client = vim.lsp.get_active_clients({ bufnr = bufnr })
if client ~= nil and #client ~= 0 then
vim.cmd("FzfCommand --lsp document_symbol")
vim.cmd("FzfCommand --ctags")
end, { noremap = true, silent = true })