CSV reading and writing library written in Swift.
import CSV
let csvString = "1,foo\n2,bar"
let csv = try! CSVReader(string: csvString)
while let row = csv.next() {
// => ["1", "foo"]
// => ["2", "bar"]
NOTE: The default character encoding is UTF8
import Foundation
import CSV
let stream = InputStream(fileAtPath: "/path/to/file.csv")!
let csv = try! CSVReader(stream: stream)
while let row = csv.next() {
import CSV
let csvString = "id,name\n1,foo\n2,bar"
let csv = try! CSVReader(string: csvString,
hasHeaderRow: true) // It must be true.
let headerRow = csv.headerRow!
print("\(headerRow)") // => ["id", "name"]
while let row = csv.next() {
// => ["1", "foo"]
// => ["2", "bar"]
import CSV
let csvString = "id,name\n1,foo"
let csv = try! CSVReader(string: csvString,
hasHeaderRow: true) // It must be true.
while csv.next() != nil {
print("\(csv["id"]!)") // => "1"
print("\(csv["name"]!)") // => "foo"
If you use a file path, you can provide the character encoding to initializer.
import Foundation
import CSV
let stream = InputStream(fileAtPath: "/path/to/file.csv")!
let csv = try! CSVReader(stream: stream,
codecType: UTF16.self,
endian: .big)
If you have a destination object that conforms to the Decodable
protocol, you can serialize a row with a new instances of the object.
struct DecodableExample: Decodable {
let intKey: Int
let stringKey: String
let optionalStringKey: String?
let csv = """
var records = [DecodableExample]()
do {
let reader = try CSVReader(string: csv, hasHeaderRow: true)
let decoder = CSVRowDecoder()
while reader.next() != nil {
let row = try decoder.decode(DecodableExample.self, from: reader)
} catch {
// Invalid row format
NOTE: The default character encoding is UTF8
import Foundation
import CSV
let csv = try! CSVWriter(stream: .toMemory())
// Write a row
try! csv.write(row: ["id", "name"])
// Write fields separately
try! csv.write(field: "1")
try! csv.write(field: "foo")
try! csv.write(field: "2")
try! csv.write(field: "bar")
// Get a String
let csvData = csv.stream.property(forKey: .dataWrittenToMemoryStreamKey) as! Data
let csvString = String(data: csvData, encoding: .utf8)!
// => "id,name\n1,foo\n2,bar"
NOTE: The default character encoding is UTF8
import Foundation
import CSV
let stream = OutputStream(toFileAtPath: "/path/to/file.csv", append: false)!
let csv = try! CSVWriter(stream: stream)
try! csv.write(row: ["id", "name"])
try! csv.write(row: ["1", "foo"])
try! csv.write(row: ["1", "bar"])
pod 'CSV.swift', '~> 2.4.2'
github "yaslab/CSV.swift" ~> 2.4.2
.package(url: "https://github.com/yaslab/CSV.swift.git", .upToNextMinor(from: "2.4.2"))
CSV.swift is released under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.