Hundreds of years ago, the city of Königsberg in Prussia devided into four parts by the Pregel River and connected with seven bridges made Euler thinking about the Seven Bridges of Königsberg problem. After that, people started to concern about the connection between things, and finally established Graph Theory.
There is always a connection, or relationship, to be common, between two arbitrary things in the world. We can use graph theory to analyze the relationships and learn from them, a good example is the Six Degrees of Seperation.
Graph Database is the tool for us to analyze relationships with computer.
With a Graph Database, we can store our data modeled in graph, and perform graph query on it.
As we know, a graph is a set of nodes and relationships between nodes. Naturally, we represent data entity with node, and represent connection between entities with relationship.
For example, let's say we have a data set of movies as follow:
- Wolf Warriors, directed by Jing Wu
- Wolf Warriors II, directed by Jing Wu
- The Wandering Earth, directed by Fan Guo
We can easily build a Movie Grapg graph with the principle we mentioned above.
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This graph can represent the direct relationship between director and movies. However, we can notice that Jing Wu is not only director of Wolf Warriors and Wolf Warriors II, but also actor of both three movies.
To represent these relationships in Movie Graph, we introduce a concept of Relationship Type, or Labeled Relationship.
We can combine every relationship in the graph with a Label, to indicate which kind the relationship belongs to.
Take the actor relationship as example, we can add two kinds of labels: Direct and Act. And the graph will look like:
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Now we have a graph with labeled relationships, this model is called Edge-labeled Graph.
We see that Edge-labeled Graph makes relationships more semantic, thus more information can be stored.
Edge-labeled Graph is the basis of semantic network, it provides a way to modeling connective data.
In real world, data is organized in Structured or Semi-structured format, which means each entity consists of a bunch of properties(fields). With the premise of that, we introduce Property Graph.
Above all, a Property Grapg is a Edge-labeled Graph. In a Property Graph, every node has a list of Property and a set of Label. A Property is a mapping from a string Key to a specified Value, and owned by a node. A Label is a specific string to indicate the kind of a node, and can be shared between multiple nodes. If there are arbitrary two nodes have a same Label L, we say they are both L node.
Here we give a formal definition of Property Graph:
We use Graph Query Language to describe a query on our Property Graph.
A graph query will solve a problem like:
- Subgraph isomorphism problem
- Path navigation
- Grapg data aggregation
To help solving the problems, we introduce a concept of Graph Pattern, for describing the pattern of target data set.
Cypher is a Graph Query Language introduced by Neo4j, which takes Graph Pattern as its core concept.
For the movies case mentioned in Section Graph Model, let's say we want all movies directed by Jing Wu, we can write a query in Cypher like:
MATCH (a:DIRECTOR)-[:direct]->(b:MOVIE)
WHERE = "Jing Wu"
In this query, there is a Graph Pattern describing our movies directed by Jing Wu data set: (a:DIRECTOR)-[:direct]->(b:MOVIE)
In this patten, variables quoted with parentheses indicate node, and relationship are indicated by that quoted by square brackets.
It says:
we want to find all paths match the pattern that there is a node with label
binds toa
, a node with labelMOVIE
binds tob
, and there is a relationship between them with direction froma
and labeldirect