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optimized #955

name: VoidLinux-glibc
branches: [ master, dev ]
branches: [ master, dev ]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
container: voidlinux/voidlinux
# SSL certificate subject doesn't match host
# ERROR: [reposync] failed to fetch file `': Operation not permitted
- run: sed -i s/ /usr/share/xbps.d/*
- run: xbps-install -Syu xbps
- run: xbps-install -S
- run: xbps-install -Syu git gcc
# /__e/node20/bin/node: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- run: ./ndk-pkg --help
- run: ./ndk-pkg -h
- run: ./ndk-pkg --version
- run: ./ndk-pkg -V
- run: ./ndk-pkg about
- run: ./ndk-pkg setup -y
- run: ./ndk-pkg sysinfo
- run: ./ndk-pkg integrate zsh
- run: ./ndk-pkg update
- run: ./ndk-pkg search lib
- run: ./ndk-pkg search libzip
- run: ./ndk-pkg info-available libzip
- run: ./ndk-pkg info-available libzip --yaml
- run: ./ndk-pkg info-available libzip --json
- run: ./ndk-pkg info-available libzip version
- run: ./ndk-pkg info-available libzip license
- run: ./ndk-pkg info-available libzip summary
- run: ./ndk-pkg info-available libzip web-url
- run: ./ndk-pkg info-available libzip git-url
- run: ./ndk-pkg info-available libzip git-sha
- run: ./ndk-pkg info-available libzip git-ref
- run: ./ndk-pkg info-available libzip src-url
- run: ./ndk-pkg info-available libzip src-sha
- run: ./ndk-pkg depends libzip
- run: ./ndk-pkg depends libzip -t dot
- run: ./ndk-pkg depends libzip -t box
- run: ./ndk-pkg depends libzip -t dot -o a/
- run: ./ndk-pkg depends libzip -o
- run: ./ndk-pkg install libzip -y
- run: ./ndk-pkg info-installed libzip --prefix
- run: ./ndk-pkg info-installed libzip --files
- run: ./ndk-pkg info-installed libzip version
- run: ./ndk-pkg info-installed libzip builtat
- run: ./ndk-pkg info-installed libzip builtat-iso-8601
- run: ./ndk-pkg info-installed libzip builtat-rfc-3339
- run: ./ndk-pkg info-installed libzip builtat-iso-8601-utc
- run: ./ndk-pkg info-installed libzip builtat-rfc-3339-utc
- run: ./ndk-pkg tree libzip
- run: ./ndk-pkg tree libzip -a
- run: ./ndk-pkg pack libzip
- run: ./ndk-pkg pack libzip -t tar.gz
- run: ./ndk-pkg pack libzip -t tar.xz
- run: ./ndk-pkg pack libzip -t tar.xz -o .
- run: ./ndk-pkg pack libzip -o .
- run: ./ndk-pkg pack libzip -o xx.tar.xz
- run: ./ndk-pkg formula-repo-list
- run: ./ndk-pkg ls-available
- run: ./ndk-pkg ls-installed
- run: ./ndk-pkg ls-outdated
- run: ./ndk-pkg is-available libzip
- run: ./ndk-pkg is-installed libzip
- run: ./ndk-pkg is-outdated libzip || echo "not outdated"
- run: ./ndk-pkg uninstall libzip
- run: ./ndk-pkg fetch curl
- run: ./ndk-pkg upgrade-self