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F. droudrou edited this page Sep 4, 2013 · 11 revisions

What is gandi-dyndns?

This tool allows people to update A records of their domains that are using the Gandi DNS servers. It's a way to provide a dynamic dns service.


git clone git://
cd gandi-dyndns
./gandi-dyndns --api=YOURAPIKEY --domain=YOURDOMAIN --record=YOURARECORD

This will update YOURARECORD.YOURDOMAIN to your public ip

You could automate this by adding a crontab entry like this

*/5 * * * * /location_to_your_git_repo/gandi-dyndns --api=YOURAPIKEY --domain=YOURDOMAIN --record=YOURARECORD

This will automatically update YOURARECORD.YOURDOMAIN to your public ip every 5 minutes

In respect to the site that is providing your public ip, please do not update more often than 5 minutes.

Request an API key


The development of this tool or myself are in no way involved with

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