is a Python module to read and write BGEN binary files and extract
dosage data.
A short documentation is available at
The tool requires a standard Python installation (2.7 and 3.6 or higher are supported) with the following modules:
The tool has been tested on Linux, but should work on MacOS and Windows operating systems as well.
Using pip
pip install pybgen
Using conda
conda install pybgen -c
It is possible to add the channel to conda's configuration, so that the
can be omitted to update or install the package.
To add the channel, perform the following command:
conda config --add channels
To update the module using pip
pip install -U pybgen
To update the module using conda
# If the channel has been configured (see above)
conda update pybgen
# Otherwise
conda update pybgen -c
To test the module, just perform the following command:
$ python -m pybgen.tests
Ran 528 tests in 13.171s