The main goal of this project is to demonstrate a 10Gb Ethernet switch. Packets will arrive in one of four SFP+ interfaces, and from there be routed as appropriately.
The current (draft) routing algorithm is as follows:
For each incoming packet, its incoming port and source MAC address will be recorded in a table.
- The table will have timeouts for all entries.
- If the table is full, the new entry will overwrite the oldest entry
For each outgoing packet, if the destination MAC address matches the source address seen on a previous incoming source MAC address, the packet will be routed to that port.
In all other cases, if the port cannot be determined or if the destination port is to a broadcast address, the packet will be broadcast to all (other) ports.
One address will be reserved for a local soft-core CPU.
Other hardware interfaces may also be present within this design, to include UART, HDMI Tx and Rx, a SATA controller, micro SD, eMMC, QSPI flash, I2C, temperature sensing and fan control, and much more.
- UART console via the debugbus
- uSD (SPI interface control only at present)
- QSPI Flash
- I2C
- Si5324 clock generator
- B/W OLED display
- SPIO: 5 buttons, 8 LEDs, and 9 switches
- HDMI RX and TX
- RPi CM4 SMI interface
This is project is sponsored by Net Idea.
This project is released under the Apache 2 license.
As of 15 May, 2023:
The PCB for this project has been built, and is currently under test.
The project RTL is partially assembled. Components assembled, attached, and (potentially under test) include:
- The bus itself has been assembled, to include the Wishbone crossbars, as well as up and down sizing components
- The debug bus, the ZipCPU, the ZipCPU's (new) DMA
- The QSPI flash
- The I2C Controller. This controller is also used to sense temperature, as part of the fan controller
- General and Special Purpose IO controllers
- SPI based SD card controller
- Fan control and temperature measurement
- Si5324 reference clock controller
- SMI Slave Controller
Components not yet integrated include:
- The 10G Ethernet, to include the virtual packet FIFOs
- The DDR3 SDRAM memory controller
- The SATA Controller